Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Obedience is being open to My words, accepting them and allowing My love to mold you into eternal perfection. Obedience is growth and, with growth, accompanies imperfections and failings! These shortcomings perfect you when you allow Me to strengthen you and teach you. Acceptance in divine obedience to Me allows you to grow and live in the holiness of My Spirit.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
A world in chaos doesn’t always make it easy to stay in The Word, or to stay in God’s light. Keeping ourselves in that humble place that allows us to be good servants and representatives of The Almighty. I mean, He is The Almighty. Doesn’t it seem contradictory that His representatives would be humble? I think perspective will come if we remember how humble Jesus was as He laid everything, body and soul down for us that we might live in that same humility as we navigate the murky waters of this world. To take every aggression we feel and turn it into a prayer. To be willing to open ourselves up to life by laying ours down for Him. To be willing to give as we have received, that every soul we touch gets a glimpse of Him through our thoughts, words, and deeds. And to shine a light on others that will make them want to be a part of it.
It’s totally ok to fail at this, for it is our failure that will rein us back in to that place if we acknowledge it, admit it to ourselves, and to God, and use it for repentance that we might draw ourselves back into that perfect and precious Light that is Him. To not wallow in our failure, but to die unto ourselves that we might resurrect in Him, and return to our path, walking ourselves and others into The Way, The Truth, and The Life. That all might live in His heavenly peace. And to remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
JANUARY 28, 1990
My dear child, I, your Jesus, have humbled Myself to be in your presence now to give another lesson to My people.
It is a lesson on obedience, divine obedience.
If My people obeyed Me by trusting in Me, they would be released from their fear, which enslaves them. Divine obedience is the greatest gift My people could give My Father, far greater than sacrifice! Obedience is devotion and love and mercy which My Father graciously accepts and reciprocates in rewarding one hundred fold! Obedience is being open to My words, accepting them and allowing My love to mold you into eternal perfection. Obedience is growth and, with growth, accompanies imperfections and failings! These shortcomings perfect you when you allow Me to strengthen you and teach you. Acceptance in divine obedience to Me allows you to grow and live in the holiness of My Spirit.
A MAJOR FACTOR IN THE GROWTH OF OBEDIENCE IS PATIENCE. In the excitement of growth, it is necessary to grow at My pace! If you allow pride to enter and control you, it will deceive you, and it will destroy the seed of obedience.
Obedience is accepting the characters of My people for who they are, and not imposing upon them to be who you think they should be! Obedience is total acceptance, humility, love, mercy and thankful praise in prayer for correction. Obedience results in peace.
All who are obedient to My Father trust in Me, and are peace filled people, because they live in unity with Me. It is accepting Our plan with trust in a secure future. No matter how large the waves of life, the path of protection and security will take you safely through all treacherous waters!