Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Love supersedes all…I am Love! If you focus on Me, you will be filled with Love, and your envy will be destroyed.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
As I walk through this life, I find that the happiest people are the ones who are “giving back.” Pouring their time, talent, and treasure into making this world a better place, not from a political or worldly standpoint, but from a place of love that transcends all worldly things. They aren’t collecting trophies, but merely serving for the greater good and for God’s Glory, unconcerned about the “status” of those they serve, but for their happiness and well being.
There are so many out there with more “money” than they know what to do with, yet they tend to hoard it for themselves, or maybe their offspring, as though somehow their significance is determined by their level of “material wealth,” as opposed to the eternal wealth that we gain from sharing ourselves.
Life isn’t a competition to “see who’s better” at something, but a vehicle for love, so see what we can do to bring others into His Truth and His Light, that they might also bring others up with them.
If we’re harboring jealousy towards others, then we tend to negate all of that, for our consciences become hardened, and the love that we should be sharing becomes masked by our need to be “seen and heard.” Allowing our personal and collective egos to render us weak, and often sour, because we are coming from a place that is “of this world,” as opposed to the Kingdom of Heaven, which can only be brought to this world by us as Jesus has proclaimed in The Gospels.
May we go forth on this day remembering that “sharing is caring,” and everything else is but dust in the eternal sense. May we walk with, and carry each other into The Way, The Truth, and the Life, and may we remain all in, and totally His. It’s all that matters.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JANUARY 26, 1989
Today I would like to teach you the difference between envy and jealousy. JEALOUSY IS PURE HATRED FOR ONE ANOTHER!
Envy is the path towards jealousy, which hardens your heart.
When you have envy, you close your heart. It is like an iron gateway to a dungeon that closes little by little!
As My people continue to be envious, their hearts harden and close little by little, until they are closed… shut tight… like a drawbridge gate! That is why I say to you that envy only hardens your heart.
With jealousy, your heart is already closed, and there is hatred! Envy will lead you to be merciless people, because your hearts harden. If you center on Me, your envy will not turn into jealousy, because it will not be able to survive.
Love supersedes all…I am Love! If you focus on Me, you will be filled with Love, and your envy will be destroyed.
Now you understand the difference between envy and jeal-ousy. It is envy which is the destructive poison. It leads to hardened hearts, jealousy and a merciless people.