Public Message from

Our Lady of Emmitsburg 

to the World

Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan

February 21, 2007

Ash Wednesday

Little children, praised be Jesus!

Little ones, this is a very important time in the history of the world where the division continues, and those who are striving to be instruments of Peace and those who are instruments of Justice can meet face to face.

I understand that my words will need tremendous contemplation as to the outcomes and Truth as they unfold.  For no human can truly understand the depth and breadth of their meaning.  Moreover, because of situations in the world, I have only twice in the history of my appearances to my daughter Gianna, asked her to sacrifice and offer up, as if in a penitential rite, her free will and also the joy she receives in my visitations daily, and only once for a forty day Lenten period.  This is the third time I have asked her, and she has agreed.

So outside of my public appearances at which God the Father has most graciously permitted me to deliver a message to the world, this will be the last time during these forty days of Lent that she will be able to see me and hear my words until the most glorious day of Holy Saturday.

She has agreed, as she always does, knowing that the importance of this is for Mother Church.  The importance of praying and sacrificing, and of giving up this tremendous joy of a Heavenly moment by those who are privileged and humble, is for the benefit of my Cardinals, Bishops and priests.  Not all have turned away, but many have.  Those, who see and read this and who mock it, might be them.  But those who contemplate the power of penance and joyful loving consolation through prayer, even if they walk the cross of darkness, will be renewed and protected.

Know, little children, that I am with you.  I am not leaving you.  I pray with you.  I will be by you.  There will be no difference for you other than the sacrifice of a messenger who loves and cherishes for all to seek favor with God.

Please know that my public words on March 11th will be for you and for all the world.  It will be the next time my daughter sees and hears me.  What a glorious day, a glorious day for all!  However, not until Holy Saturday, will she see and hear me privately for her and only her.


Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!