Public Message from
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
to the World
Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan
May 6, 2007
The Month of Mary, Our Mother
Little children, praised be Jesus!
Little ones, believe with all your heart and it will happen. For if God desires it, it will happen. You do not realize the tremendous power you have through your faith, power more than the angels. If you believe with all your heart and trust God in what you are praying for, it will happen; but you must believe, you must trust, and you must have unconditional faith.
I love you. You are all my children. If you think that no one loves you, that you are alone, that no one cares for you, and that they would perhaps desire you not even to be alive, always remember that God has the final say. If people judge you, remember that God is merciful; and be grateful that He will have the final say in judging. God loves you even if many do not.
My Son offered the ultimate act of Love. In all His suffering, in all His humiliation, and through all His pain, He could forgive. You also are invited and asked to forgive. What good would any of your actions be if you cannot love and forgive? You have to grow spiritually and mature in the likeness of God. You have that power. You can do whatever you desire in order to change your ways to be more like God. Whatever is ailing you, do what is necessary and change.
I have often told you to pray with all your heart and to pray before it is too late. It is easier to pray at times of need and illnesses, but use your strength to pray with all your heart and mind for the time that will come when you will have to live through your faith alone.
If your loved ones have left you, do not despair. As a “mother” and as a “father” you do your best in bringing up your children with the spiritual element of love. But oftentimes they grow up and go off on some other tangent, worldly more than spiritually. Do not despair, for I am their Mother, and they will return. How you pray and how you act with love speaks louder than any words spoken.
I take all of your petitions, all those in your heart; and I as a grateful Mother present them to my Son. Peace to you. I love you. Thank you for responding to my call.
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!