Public Message from

Our Lady of Emmitsburg 

to the World

Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan

August 14, 2007

The Vigil of the Feast

of the Assumption of Mary

Little children, praised be Jesus!

Little ones, for one moment think how much the Lord loves you.  My Son is in love with humanity.  You need to be nurtured and loved.  Just think.  Pay attention to my words.  Know how much you are loved, how much your soul desires to be like a child, tenderly nourished and blanketed within His Love.

Continue to knock, and knock, and knock.  Ask, ask, and ask.  My Son loves those who prod Him.  Do not give up so easily.  He desires those who are persistent.  As you desire to be wanted and needed, so too He desires to be wanted and needed.

Ask, ask, and ask.  Remember my Son on the Cross.  He said, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Mt 27:46), as His last words there, completely tormented.  God the Father had abandoned Him, so He felt.  But it was not true; so He knew after He said those precious words, and it was consummated.

Ask, ask, and ask.  Persist, and do not give up hope.  He loves you.  Each of you is a real person, a treasured gift to Him.  Your soul is valuable!  You are not alone.  You are not just one among many other souls, as if not even recognized.  No, each one of you is valuable and important!

You see as the world sees, not as God sees.  Remember how precious you are!  I love you on this most gracious, glorious day that I gave myself triumphantly to the Glory of God.  Even that was an act of will.

Peace.  Give yourself too, as I did.

Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!