Public Message from
Our Lady of Emmitsburg
to the World
Through Gianna Talone-Sullivan
September 2, 2007
Little children, praised be Jesus!
Little ones, I love you. I am your Mother, and I thank you for giving your hearts to Jesus. Little ones, there are so many kinds of people – all over the world – that God created, peoples with different personalities, opinions, outlooks and creeds. So many with different beliefs! God created all people to be good.
Why is it that you cannot unite in peace?
You can!
All things are possible with God. If you but unite in a gentle loving heart, respectful of one another, there can be unity and there can be peace!
Please stop! Stop in the many areas that cause confusion and ruin reputations. Stop with slanderous words and telling lies in order to prove yourselves right. Be humble, and accept that you could be wrong.
Even my clergy, beware please, even you holy priests, that if you lie in order to prove a point and slander a child’s reputation, your God of Justice will be forthright with you. Be very cautious! And if you, my laity, lie in order to prove your point, what good is it? You too will have to pay for your deception or for deceiving others.
Unity and peace come through humility and justice. Be merciful and trust God at all costs. How blessed you are to be present and to receive God’s blessing! How blessed you are that He is here everyday for you in the Most Holy Eucharist! How blessed you are to receive Jesus every minute! Just look to the left and look to the right, and there dwells my Son in all who welcome Him.
I love you. Thank you for being good and for defending the Truth at all costs. Your reward will be great in Heaven! Receive His blessing most graciously, and open your hearts continually to receive more; for there is much more to give. Peace, peace (fading whisper).
Be Jesus! Be His Peace! Live His Peace! Breathe Life!
Most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Pray for Us!