Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“If I asked My people: “Do you know the real you? Or, who are you?” they would not be able to respond truthfully, because they have lived with a complacent attitude all their lives and they know of nothing else. They would become confused and would think they were losing their minds if I tried to change them by showing many truths about themselves without their allowing Me. They are so self satisfied that any suggestion for the need to look at their inner being would be bounced out as an inner conflict and loss of peace (which they actually create for themselves by their outlook and separation from My truth!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

We, as people, tend to be immersed in how society views us as opposed to how God sees us. We have this need for “protection in groups,” that we’ve come to hide behind rather than being who we truly are. We’ve become so hung up on our “social identity,” grouping ourselves by things like sex, sexual orientation and skin color. Concerning ourselves with “pronouns,” and other egomaniacal manifestations of social identity, that in the grand scheme of things merely divide us from each other as opposed to unifying us in God. We’re not secure enough in ourselves to live as God sees us, so we create false nomenclature, words like “black and white” to describe people who are neither. We grow ‘offended” if someone uses the wrong pronoun to describe us, rather than being secure enough in ourselves to live in society as we are, we expect society to bend to our egos. Don’t get me wrong, if we’re truly being mistreated because of who we are, we do in fact have laws that protect us, yet rather than using the imperfect system that was once on a course to improvement in a productive way to attain equity, we shout from the rooftops and create more division by spreading hatred towards anyone who doesn’t agree with us. We choose hatred and “pride” as the default, rather than submitting in Humility as Jesus demonstrated, and still demonstrates through our liturgy, prayers, reflections, thoughts, words, and deeds. Instead of being “one body in Christ,” we create more division than there already was, pretending that we’re somehow being virtuous.
Jesus never ever demonstrated “pride” as a way of being, in fact He did the exact opposite, in the most literal sense, and committed Himself to us through His death on The Cross. Jesus calls us to love, yet our institutions, particularly our churches, rather than emphasize humility, go so far as to encourage the collective ego. “Pride through identity,” which isn’t anything close to how The Word encourages us to live.
Jesus calls us to love in humility, no more no less. Yet our churches have come to be enablers of these egoic manifestations, and rather than encouraging us to live in The Word, we have allowed the world to influence in ways that no longer reflect The Word, but enable the collective ego in ways that are no less than diabolical.
Until we shed the ego, and return to love with humility as Jesus taught us, we will remain on a course to destruction.
I pray that we learn to shed our biases and follow in love, for He has demonstrated so perfectly what that looks like, yet we pay Him lip service, while rejecting His Path. It’s a time to immerse ourselves in Him in a way that’s real. To start viewing ourselves as He sees us as opposed to how society sees us. Only then can we live in a way that’s all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
OCTOBER 4, 1989
My people are so satisfied with themselves that their attitudes reflect no need for change. They do not wish for My Divine assistance to mold their hearts into the perfection of My goodness. Their attitudes do not seek to reflect the need for purification and, therefore, this results in the lack of growth.
My people speak of the need to reach out and support one another, but their attitudes and actions do not reflect their words. That is because of their complacent attitude. There are so few in number who allow Me to mold them into the true people I have created.
The lives of My people have been so influenced by the way of the world that the true person in character and beauty is masked by a falsified persona. As My people continue day by day in their complacency, they continue to live in a fake world of no reality! They continue to think that they know who they are, and their attitudes reflect the need for little assistance. They live in a tunnel of darkness with their happiness being superficial and only on the surface. The words I tell you will sadden you, child, when I tell you that My people do not even realize this truth.
Complacency is an addiction of masking My truth through the attitude! My people have lived in this way so long that they do not even know that their way of life through their attitude is not a reality!
If I asked My people: “Do you know the real you? Or, who are you?” they would not be able to respond truthfully, because they have lived with a complacent attitude all their lives and they know of nothing else. They would become confused and would think they were losing their minds if I tried to change them by showing many truths about themselves without their allowing Me. They are so self satisfied that any suggestion for the need to look at their inner being would be bounced out as an inner conflict and loss of peace (which they actually create for themselves by their outlook and separation from My truth!)
This is complacency: an addiction to a self satisfaction atti-tude, masking the truth by living in a world of fallacy, and not knowing the true individual I have created!
My truth and My love challenges the complacent heart, and will conflict with the inner being until My Spirit rests in you through your acceptance of molding you to My perfection, the perfection of light and happiness.
Once My Spirit lives in the complacent heart, it takes you out of the tunnel of darkness into the pasture of freshness, and will journey with you forever!