Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My people have allowed money to corrupt them with dishonesty. They are not even honest with themselves. Of the money they have, they say it is not enough! The richest of the rich in this mortal world are deceived through their dishonesty to believe they do not have enough.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

I spent an hour with my bookkeeper yesterday trying to straighten out a mess that QuickBooks has made. QuickBooks has changed their product, and it’s so full of flaws at the moment that it’s very difficult for me to function as a business, as they clearly haven’t adequately beta tested it prior to its release, and now businesses around the world have to spend probably what adds up to millions of dollars trying to compensate for their corporate incompetence. Some of it is fixed, some of it is not, yet QuickBooks is on a huge advertising campaign right now trying to push a product that doesn’t work.
I worked for a corporation once that functioned in similar ways. There was always a “push” to get everything out the door, and the “people upstairs” wanted everything “done yesterday,” yet somehow also expected it to be done right.
The idea of “excellence” doesn’t seem to occur to these entities. It’s all about numbers and “damage control.” They give lip service, but fail to “walk their talk.”
We’ve created a corporate culture that’s always “on the clock,” and the only motivation is money. Not quality, not excellence.
Unfortunately colleges and academia have become bastions of dishonesty as well. They charge exorbitant amounts of money to allegedly train people for the work force, yet they’re more focused on “indoctrination” and their “bottom line,” that they’re turning out graduates who can’t pay their “debt,” because said college has turned them loose without the competence or ability to pay their debt. Or maybe the students, or “customers” get turned loose and don’t want to work, and society expects the rest of us to compensate for this inequity.
Our economic systems are broken and motivated by little more than greed, and we have a society that seems to have an inverse relationship between how much college one attends and how much truth they actually know.
Yet these people are the ones “running things,” and dictating how the rest of us should live.
Churches? Same thing. Rather than staying in Jesus, many have become bastions of propaganda, trying to maintain economic and social relevance based on the “narrative of the day,” as opposed to the Word of Our Lord.
None of this is of God, and unless we pull Jesus into our souls, and pray hard, the failure of us as Christians to create a “shift in consciousness,” will be imminent, and Jesus will intervene. How much He has to intervene depends on us. Will we be “sheep” to corporations? Or servants to the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world?
Opportunities for that “shift in consciousness” are waning, as we dig ourselves deeper into the abyss of greed, narcissism, and division, and the best we can do at this point is to do everything in our will and our power to remain all in, and totally His. To speak out and act in little ways that we might create change in big ways. To build and maintain Jesus’ Kingdom on earth that all might live fully in Him. And most of all to love, as that’s what we’re ultimately here for.
Jesus died for us, and if we’re going to live in Him, we must also die unto ourselves, and our egos, as we walk in The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
Jesus is coming. I pray that we know Him when he does.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
OCTOBER 9, 1989
My child, in this next lesson I wish to speak to you, and My people dear to Me, about dishonesty.
If My people are dishonest with their wealth, how are they going to be able to handle the wealth I have promised them?
People live in this world placing so much value on money
and materialism that they allow it to control them. They become dishonest and not trustworthy.
How many times My people do not stand behind the principles of truth because of money. Money is their god, and dishonesty and lack of trust-worthiness are their fruitless rewards.
If they cannot be honest with their earthly wealth, how will they receive My wealth graciously, humbly and with honesty?
How, My child? They cannot now, and will not be able later, because they live in a world where they have made money all their life!
I tell you, money is not the source of life!
Can money save their souls?
Will money be their god in the life to come?
But, even My people will not acknowledge their dishonesty!
They will not ask for forgiveness, and allow Me to fill them with My honesty and make them trustworthy to receive My wealth! How narrow minded, self-centered and so dishonest My people have become. My people say they need money to live.
I say they need My Spirit of everlasting life to live!
They need money to feed them, not to control them. What they have ample supply of, should be shared with those who have none to fill their hunger. My people have allowed money to corrupt them with dishonesty. They are not even honest with themselves. Of the money they have, they say it is not enough! The richest of the rich in this mortal world are deceived through their dishonesty to believe they do not have enough.
Coupled with dishonesty, only a few will believe the truth of My words! There won’t be many who believe that I have chosen you to come to and speak to! Why? Because My words are far too simple for their complex mentality!
“Jesus is all knowing with great intellect, and could not or would not speak simply.” What poor souls roam your corrupt world!
My people, look at your inner being and see your dishonesty!
Be honest with yourselves, and seek My trustworthiness by seeking My wealth. Those of you, who look at yourselves and see no stain because of your complacency, beware! It is you, who live in darkness.
My child, if only My people really believed in the wealth which awaits them in My Kingdom!
If only they could accept it by accepting Me!
If only they would allow Me to give them My wealth!
How rich they would truly be!
Thank you for writing My words.