Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“It will be arough fidelity that I shall unite My righteous. They will all be gathered under one Kingdom and that Kingdom will be Mine! There will no longer be nations and separate kingdoms. There will only be one, and this one Kingdom will last for all eternity in My peace.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
“Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.”-Jesus, Matthew 6:9-13
The Lord’s Prayer seems to be the mantra, or the “go to,” that many of us reach for when we’re trying to engage with Him. Yet what do we mean when we utter it in our thoughts or words? We live here on earth, yet we bring worldly fear into our churches as the world wreaks havoc around us rather than bringing God’s light out into the world in a way that fortifies His Kingdom. It kind of works in reverse as our church leaders, rather than sending us forth in love, pull partisan fear and propaganda into our midst, and fill the innocent with half truths thereby creating division within, rather than unifying as Jesus wants us to do. Jesus did not send Peter forth so that His Church could become a bastion of partisan politics with divisive agendas, but that His Kingdom would be unified, and go out to perform services in love, thereby growing His Kingdom in truth and love.
Fear is the antithesis of love, and when we teach fear as opposed to love, we are using Our Lord’s name in vain for the gain of our personal or collective ego, and that is definitely not of Him. When our church office feels like a political party headquarters as opposed to a house of God, something is truly amiss.
Bringing God’s Kingdom to fruition requires faith, which is also the antithesis of fear, and if we’re allowing partisan fear to guide us as opposed to faith, then the “ship” that is our church clearly needs a “course correction,” which it’s ultimately going to get whether it likes it or not.
I pray that our church leaders going forth get their minds out of tabloid “news” feeds, and into the scriptures and the Word of Our Lord, that we might welcome all, and call ourselves and everyone we touch to a place of redemption that fortifies His Kingdom rather than dividing it. That we stop “edging God out,”(ego) and allow His Kingdom to grow and thrive through our services and acts of love, that His Kingdom might remain all in, and totally His. In perfect love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
DECEMBER 13, 1989
My dear child, I, your dear Jesus, wish to speak today on fidelity. It was not through the law that Abraham and his descendants inherited the land. It was through their faith that what was promised to him would be delivered, and he would be able to accomplish all that he was told. If those who adhere to the law are heirs, then faith is null and the promise is void. Where there is no law, there also is no violation.
Fidelity is the strongest bond to the Divine, Holy Trinity through faithfulness. It is My righteous who become righteous in their faith! The law will never promise righteousness to you. Only through dedicated faith in My Father will all be deemed righteous; for this He has promised! It will be through fidelity that I shall unite My righteous. They will all be gathered under one Kingdom and that Kingdom will be Mine! There will no longer be nations and separate kingdoms. There will only be one, and this one Kingdom will last for all eternity in My peace.
It will be credited to those, who do not doubt My Kingdom, for they shall be empowered by My faith and shall give great glory to My Father. Oh, then shall My people know that I am their Lord!
How I shall reproduce the land and populate My children!
All shall sing praises and be united in comfort and peace.
Oh, how this fruitful season is now at hand and all, who live in Me through the powerful gift of fidelity, shall be the new lambs of God for all eternity! For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, but My Israel will stand united at the end as the only one nation, one Kingdom of peace.
My Israel is all My beloved people throughout this entire world who claim My Father’s zeal of faith and love through My Divinity! That will be My new Israel and all are invited to live in the City of Hope, through their fidelity in My Father.
This now ends My third set of lessons to My people. It is today that I re-consecrate My heart to all who desire it, and make known My devoted protection and care for all.
Know My Kingdom will come! Whether it comes through peaceful means or as a result of destruction through hatred will depend on you, My people. Choose peace and peace shall come. Choose destruction and My Father will destroy all who destruct. Only peace and love will reign in the Kingdom.
Destruction and hatred will cease.
So I give the selection to you, My people. Your destiny depends on your prayers and relies on your faith. The secret is fidelity, love, mercy, hope, trust and acceptance of My truth to result in a joyful and peaceful destiny.
I love you, My beloved people. PLEASE LOVE ME. HOW can I bring you peace unless you desire it? If you desire peace, would you not be merciful and loving to one another, to those people who belong to Me as you belong to Me? Are you not creating your own destiny? Select the path you wish to walk very carefully. For it is truly a matter of eternal life or eternal death!