Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Tell My people My words. MY PEOPLE NEED TO GROW IN ME, and I will give them strength and knowledge. But with growth comes imperfections and failures, which I allow to strengthen and mold My people into My perfection of holiness. Those who suffer and allow Me to suffer with them, are strengthened and grow. Their suffering only sanctifies them.
Those who choose to suffer without Me, suffer great turmoil at their own wish, because they will not allow Me to carry their cross. Their path of growth is long, tedious, and strenuous. Pray for them!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

In his homily this weekend, Father Matt rendered a very compelling argument for going back to the Psalms in prayer as Jesus and His disciples did. They used the power of early scripture to draw near to Him as Jesus fulfilled His Holy destiny, allowing Himself to die on The Cross for us, that we might live as one in Him. That when we come to our “dark nights of the soul,” we might also find a place of solace in God The Father. The same place Jesus went in prayer is also available to us, that we might not only place ourselves at the foot of the cross, but that we might draw closer to The Kingdom of God as we reflect on His death and resurrection as is not only lived out in the New Testament, but still being lived out through us as we immerse ourselves in His Life and His Word going forth.
We not only have the means to pray as Jesus taught us, but to pray as Jesus prayed, that we might be able to draw even nearer to Him as we focus on His life, death and resurrection, carrying His Word forth as we immerse ourselves in Him that others might follow us through this journey called “life on earth.” That we might grow stronger in our own atonement as we bring others into His Light.
Jesus says below;
“Growth is essential in My journey. This spiritual maturity is one through which I can take you. Men cannot judge the spirituality of their brethren. Focus on your own spirituality with Me, and do not look at another’s journey. Be careful and on guard against judging others, especially in their spirituality. Only the Trinity knows the degree of strength of the soul.”
We can grow better with Him if we are not only immersing ourselves in His Life through scripture, but in the life He lived through scripture, that our walk with Him be one of full immersion as we do our best to remain all in and totally His. That our evangelization come through our living example as opposed to our omniscient judgment through observation and chastisement that isn’t ours to render, but His to be cast upon us as He is the living well from which we must draw.
I pray that we find a way to put ourselves into that place of deep prayer that draws us closer to Him. That we place our souls fully and totally in Him, that every breath we take becomes a part of Him that might help us to “walk each other Home,” for He is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and our life will be one of atonement through, with, and in Him, as we guide each other by His Light, in perfect love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
FEBRUARY 1, 1990
My dear child, it is I, your Lord, Who comes to you.
Even in your illness do I live in you and give you the strength to take down My words for My people.
You have noticed that three things happen when people find out that I come to you. They are either afraid; do not care; or are overwhelmed and cling to you, as if you were a link to Me.
I tell you, it was the same with Me! Either My people were afraid that I was possessed by demons; they did not care; or they panicked to be in My presence, fearing that I would not heal them! Do you know the ones who tore My heart the most? It was the same group of people that makes your heart bleed, the ones who do not care!
Remember My saying, there is no middle of the rope, only two ends?’ How I long for My people. My heart bleeds for them, and desires to give to them, but those, who do not care, do not even wish to receive. They do not care at all.
Especially My gifts would only be a burden to them! That is why your heart suffers, because My heart suffers!
I would like to tell My people that I am here to divide the good from the bad! Take the time to sort in your heart My words, and make your decision. If you have questions, ask! If you come to Me in private prayer, I will show you.
Tell My people My words. MY PEOPLE NEED TO GROW IN ME, and I will give them strength and knowledge. But with growth comes imperfections and failures, which I allow to strengthen and mold My people into My perfection of holiness. Those who suffer and allow Me to suffer with them, are strengthened and grow. Their suffering only sanctifies them.
Those who choose to suffer without Me, suffer great turmoil at their own wish, because they will not allow Me to carry their cross. Their path of growth is long, tedious, and strenuous. Pray for them!
Growth is essential in My journey. This spiritual maturity is one through which I can take you. Men cannot judge the spirituality of their brethren. Focus on your own spirituality with Me, and do not look at another’s journey. Be careful and on guard against judging others, especially in their spiritu-ality. Only the Trinity knows the degree of strength of the soul.
My words today are a lesson to My people on growth, which is so essential in My journey of holiness. Do not despair over your imperfections or failures. Do not struggle with your perturbations. Know I am with you, if you allow Me to assist you in your growth to divine holiness.
Remember My words, ‘if you try and fail, you have not failed in My eyes, but have won favor in the sight of My Father!’ Be strong, and take one moment at a time. Live in the moment, day by day!