Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“If you are at peace, peace will show through your actions and on your face. If you are filled with My joy, My joy will show through your actions and radiate on your face. Those who walk with Me show My divine presence! I wish for all to love. Love is the greatest gift there is! My people need to focus on the grace of love. There is aversion, detachment, and neglect in being disinterested! Love is loving the spirit; loving far beyond the body, but loving the spirit, for the spirit is God!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
I think the best way to engage with the world is to detach ourselves from it. To remove ourselves from every bias that’s been shoved at us, to suspend judgment of each person we encounter in a way that allows us to see their soul and love them as opposed to judging them based on political leanings, “economic status” or physical appearance. To see souls as God does, and not as the world wants us to see them. God doesn’t divide us up into social categories like we do here on earth, as we are called to be one body in Him, yet rather than love with purity, our tendency is to label according to false social and economic constructs, and we create division merely because we’re placing judgment before truth.
Now God also calls us to speak and tell the truth, and so many aspects of our world have fallen so far into the abyss of untruth, that we can often be judged for doing that, but as we convey truth, we also have to remember that we ourselves are in fact sinners, and have to be careful when we cross the line between merely speaking and demonstrating truth and placing judgement on others that isn’t ours to render.
Every time I ponder this, my soul always comes up with one answer, and that answer is humility. Even though we’ve walked through certain fires and endured certain trials, it’s easy to come across as haughty when we’re merely speaking truth, and people may judge us based upon their own feelings of guilt as opposed to coming to a place of accountability and acceptance in their own lives. It often hurts friendships when that happens, but there are times when we become enablers when we hide from the truth, so we should keep an awareness about us so that we don’t allow our haughtiness to be a deterrent to our efforts at love. Sometimes we have to maintain a fine balance when rendering truth in evangelization, but God’s Word is unchanging, and we have to remember that as well, so that we keep Satan out of the mix when we’re working to share God’s perfect Love.
I just pray that we remember as we go out today, that love is the only right answer, but that truth must be part of that love, for of it isn’t truth, then it is nothing. It’s merely a divisive tool of the evil one that we should have no part of. Only through Truth in Deep Love, can we remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
MARCH 7, 1990
My dear child, people carry My joy by their facial expressions. Those who walk with Me show their love by their total ambiance. I wish for all to show their love for one another by showing their love in their expressions.
If you are at peace, peace will show through your actions and on your face. If you are filled with My joy, My joy will show through your actions and radiate on your face. Those who walk with Me show My divine presence! I wish for all to love. Love is the greatest gift there is! My people need to focus on the grace of love. There is aversion, detachment, and neglect in being disinterested! Love is loving the spirit; loving far beyond the body, but loving the spirit, for the spirit is God!
If you love someone, you take interest in that person and have feelings of attachment. If you dislike someone, you have no interest in that person. Is this the love I have taught? Love one another by loving their spirit.
It is like a rose. All the petals are the beauty which surrounds the core of the rose. The core is the Father, and all the petals are the beauty of the Father, His people! The rose flourished in the soft beauty of velvet, with love. When there is no love, the rose dries, and the petals fall, one by one!
God is the center of love!
Then there are the father and mother who are procreators of life. Loving them is loving the Father. There are your siblings and blood relatives. Through your blood, you love. I say to love beyond the fact of being related through blood! Love the Spirit and love the Father Who loves in the Spirit.
Taking it to a larger scale: love your neighbors; love your countrymen. These are your neighbors, for you are all one in spirit. Your parents and brothers are neighbors, for their spirit is that of My Father.
When I say love your neighbors, I say to love all, for the Father lives in all and His Spirit is love! I wish for all people to know this love, and to live it.
I give you peace this day, as I always give you My peace.
Remember, My love for you, My people, shall never cease!