Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Why is it so difficult for My people to decide to follow Me? There truly is lack of desire and discipline which hinders their growth. I speak to you because of My great love and desire to give gifts to My people. I have said over and over again that My Kingdom is near! Will it come peacefully, or because of the destruction of man from his lack of respect and dignity?”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

Jesus isn’t a part time God. He didn’t die on that cross so we could live lives of self aggrandizement, self pity, and things that keep our ego in a “safe space.”
Following Jesus means loving others no matter what, yet so much is placed before us to not only distract us, but we live in a culture of manufactured hatred, and every second we spend participating in that hatred is time spent mocking God. We make excuses for the aspects of our culture that bolster our egos in a very temporary way, while Jesus takes a back seat. “It’s ok, we’ll give Him an hour on Sunday and he’ll still come around and “save” us if we give Him the occasional token nod.”
True followership isn’t like that. It means suspending all other forms of “identity.” Our race, sex, sexual orientation, our jobs, and even our kids’ accomplishments, and picking up our cross to follow Him. To make His Love our identity so that people we touch have no question as to whom we follow. To place all aspects of our ego at the cross, and to allow Him to permeate our souls and not only identify with Him, but to “be one” with Him. To seek true atonement, by picking up our “cross,” and following Him, even if it means dying for Him, as many martyrs have done before us.
God has blessed each of us with lives way cushier and easier than He ever had it, yet we still follow things that are not of Him, as we take off on our fun vacations and “bitch about the other side” of our political hate fest.
Jesus wants every one of us to be a member of His Party, to come to the feast of Heaven and Earth, and to dine at His Table, for only He holds the keys to eternal rest in His heavenly Kingdom, and only through true and complete followership, can we keep our souls intact, that they might remain all in, and totally His. We are called, and we must follow, for whoever “loses his life for His sake,” will find it.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
MAY 2, 1990
My dear child, how I long for My people to come before Me to talk to Me sincerely about all their joy; their sorrow; their frustrations; the every day events in their lives. So many of My people continue to feel uncomfortable to come before Me or to Me, or even to allow Me to come to them. When they are in pain, they even ask others to pray for them, instead of trusting in Me and praying to Me themselves! My sorrow continues to deepen, for My love for them continues to deepen. How I wish for good to dwell on earth, and for happiness and peace to dwell in My people. I only wish for all good things for My people, not for them to suffer.
Why is it so difficult for My people to decide to follow Me? There truly is lack of desire and discipline which hinders their growth. I speak to you because of My great love and desire to give gifts to My people. I have said over and over again that My Kingdom is near! Will it come peacefully, or because of the destruction of man from his lack of respect and dignity?
I continue to ask you to bring to Me, daily, those lukewarm believers and those who play ignorant to My truth. Pray for them and their salvation. Pray for peace, and peace shall come!
My message and lessons are simple. They speak of living an average good life through loving, having mercy, showing respect and restoring dignity to mankind. This is My message which shall restore peace!!
My sorrow wearies Me, but My love for My people is My strength. I shall always love all My people until the end of time when the bad shall be weeded and separated out from the good!
Never give up hope, My dear one, and always live in the confidence of My love and the words of truth I speak to you.
I shall always defend you in your honesty and simpleness.
Remember, silence is your protection against evil people and love is your sword of victory. Ad Deum.