Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My dear people, I am your source of joy, peace and strength.
I care for you, even in your difficulties! I never said that, if you follow Me, there would not be any difficulties for you to face. My walk is not always an easy walk, but it is a peaceful one, if you totally trust in Me and in My care. You struggle because you are conditional people! Submit in humility to My way, and you shall not experience the unpleasantness of struggle, but will be able to face your difficulties with peace and strength.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

How can we truly understand difficulty without having placed ourselves at the foot of The Cross, where difficulty was epitomized through the greatest act of love known to humankind? When Jesus allowed Himself to be betrayed, tortured, humiliated, and took all things difficult upon Himself, that He might not only rise again, but that we might resurrect in His Light through our own trials and tribulations.
God doesn’t call us to a place of “victimhood” that so many gravitate to when trials come before us, but to be tempered and formed into experienced mentors of His Love and His Light, turning the darkness that once lived in us into light that others might follow.
There is no “college” that can teach us what our “dark nights of the soul” can teach us, and that’s one of the reasons so much narcissism emits from academia, as institutions attempt to mold us into something other than what God has intended.
Institutions teach us how to “identify and categorize” according to their own made up standards, but God teaches us love, through pain, trials, tribulations, and ultimately through our own dying unto ourselves that we might resurrect in His Light in a way that makes us beneficial to His Kingdom. He brings us down to the level of those whom we serve rather than “showing us” through the lens of someone else’s opinion. We can watch it in a video or read it in the paper every day, but until we actually go out and experience that which God wants to show us, we will be living for agendas that are not of Him, and enabling Satan as he wreaks havoc on our world just as he is doing now.
God wants our love, and our service, not our opinion. How many ways can that be said before it sinks in? I pray that we all come to that place where we can ask God what He’s trying to teach us, as opposed to what He’s “doing to us,” for only by allowing Him in, can we truly walk as He walks, that others might follow. Only by placing ourselves at the “foot of the cross,” with submission and humility, can we live a life that’s all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
MAY 7, 1990
My dear one, let us now continue with more words to My people. I have promised My people fullness of life now and eternal life to come. Fullness of life incorporates both joy and sorrow, the joyful events and the difficulties. I never told My people they would not experience difficulties. I told My people that I am their strength and life. I am their source of peace. All who come to Me shall receive My peace and the strength to face their difficulties.
So many of My people think that if they do not have joy at all times, I am displeased with them or am not listening to their prayers. Not so! All difficulties result in growth and humility!
Joy results from total trust in Me, not in positive events happening in day to day life. My people misinterpret the meaning of My care for them, if there is not peace and joy at all times. They think difficulties cannot coexist if I am caring for them. This is not true.
My dear people, I am your source of joy, peace and strength.
I care for you, even in your difficulties! I never said that, if you follow Me, there would not be any difficulties for you to face. My walk is not always an easy walk, but it is a peaceful one, if you totally trust in Me and in My care. You struggle because you are conditional people! Submit in humility to My way, and you shall not experience the unpleasantness of struggle, but will be able to face your difficulties with peace and strength. Accept My love by accepting, day to day, whatever events and situations you are presented with. Accept yourselves with your idiosyncrasies, as you are, and believe in Me as your source of strength, with trust, and you shall be able to overcome all obstacles. Trust in yourselves by trusting in Me! I shall care for all. I am your Lord God! No matter what you desire, the plan for you is far greater from Me for your total happiness. Your desire will not be fulfilled because My desire for you will result in a far greater joy for you than you could possibly conceive or imagine! Therefore, why struggle with your difficulties? Trust in Me and My care. My plan for you will come, whether you desire it or not! Should you not accept yourself and the daily events with trust that what I send you will be comforted with My peace and strength?
I tell you that you desire Me, but you desire a plan that you have designed for your life! This is not accepting My care for you, and results in your struggle with difficulties through conditional love.
I love you, My dear ones, and I give to you the fullness of life. Will you trust in My care by accepting with humility the plan for you? Blessings to you, My people. When you accept yourselves by accepting Me, you will be filled with My peace and strength to face endless difficulties.