Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“ALWAYS BE VIGILANT! Be strong, and do not allow intimidations or insinuations to cause you grief. Build your defenses and cast the enemy away. He will always be around to deceive, slander, persuade and use any situation to his favor. Hope, faith and charity are the weapons which slay him, and are the shield you wear.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
It’s easy to “drown” or at least to become “immersed” in the things of this world. We become buried in lies as those who desire power hurl Satan’s venom at us through our screens, and we spew our own brand of hatred that we don’t even see as hatred as we overlook and defend the misdeeds of one candidate, and we hate on another who may or may not in fact be as bad or possibly worse than the one we “like,” but we’re too mired in the systemic hatred to even see through our own bias. We become “weighed down,” immersed in the agenda driven toxicity that divides us in every way the “powers that be” can find to divide us.
Meanwhile we ignore the “hand” that’s reaching down into the depths of our despair to pull us out, to raise us up, and to cleanse and purify us, that we might be fit to “walk on the water” as he does. To rise above the hateful narratives that are bestowed upon us as we find people to love and serve from the place that Jesus has prepared for us. A place that not only extracts us from the darkness we live in, but casts light upon us that no human force can cast asunder. God’s real and tangible Heavenly Kingdom, which we rise into from the depths of the waters in which we were baptized, as He reaches down to rescue us “one more time,” and our sins are washed away as we walk in step with Him, and hopefully bring others with us that they night also live in Him.
Jesus has died for us, yet He is also risen to, and calls us to, a place where no harm can befall us. A place in the Heavenly Kingdom that has also been purified and cleansed from the weight of sin, division, and hatred. A place of love, and if we stay in that place, we can also remain cleansed as He is, and purified that we might be able to serve Him in a way that’s pleasing to Him.
We are called to walk with Him, and to bring every soul we can with us, that they, like us, might “walk on water” as we rise above that which casts hatred and distrust upon us. As we share His love with others, and show them His Light in a way that will help them to desire it for all eternity, as we walk with Him, talk with Him, and remain all in, and totally His. It’s all about how we love. May we allow Him to show us The Way.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
MAY 16, 1990
My dear child, I wish to continue now with another lesson.
As My people find My Paradise of Eden, it is so important that they be vigilant. The one of deceit and darkness will lurk and eaves-drop, and creep into all situations, to attempt to destroy the work of God! He can do this, and no one can stop him!
However, it is necessary for My chosen ones to know not to fret. Do not be incredulous. Be aware that he lurks and wishes to cause harm, but he cannot come in, unless you let him inside from the outside! If he comes in, he will bite you with his poisonous venom, and build his offensive and defensive structures within you! ALWAYS BE VIGILANT! Be strong, and do not allow intimidations or insinuations to cause you grief. Build your defenses and cast the enemy away. He will always be around to deceive, slander, persuade and use any situation to his favor.
Hope, faith and charity are the weapons which slay him, and are the shield you wear.
It is so necessary for My people to be disciplined with love, or they will fall as Adam and Eve, and be exited from the Paradise of Eden. Stand firm with disciplined hearts of love to uphold the Messianic ideas and words as sacred! Never barter the words of truth and sacrifice your inheritance of eternal glory for the temporary prestige of humanity. Those who favor lustful humanity, and do not trust in the clear words of My truth, barter the inheritance of the whole human race!
My dear Israelites, your inheritance is that which awaits you in eternal glory and bliss. I never bartered the words of My Father.
In discipline and in obedience, I died so that you could live in My inheritance of everlasting glory. To those who do not know of My inheritance and sacred Messianic idea and words, I shed My mercy! But those who know Me and walk with Me and then barter their inheritance for a lustful humanity, BEWARE!
I am a God of mercy, but I am also a God of justice! Woe, also, to those who betray My chosen, and persuade them through deceitfulness, to walk away from the sacredness of their inheritance. Any who take My chosen from Me, shall receive the judgment of justice.
The slyness, calumny, persuasiveness and lurking, creeping ways of the evil one cannot harm you, unless you allow him to make his place of stay within you!
So, be vigilant, My people, but do not fret, and do not be incredulous. Live the sacredness of My words to you in faith, and stand firm against forfeiting the possession of your inheritance for the lustful humanity in which you live!
To you I give freedom. Use it wisely.
To you I give My peace. Accept it graciously.
To you I give My inheritance. Hold it sacred, for your inheritance is a result of Mine. Ad Deum.