Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“My people say they trust in Me and are not afraid of Me, but I tell you, they do not trust completely and are afraid! If they were not afraid of Me, they would believe in My words of truth and would trust in My comfort by not worrying. When they worry, they focus on the source of their problem, utilizing their energy. Their focus is not on comfort from Me.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Every single one of us is leaving this earth soon. Many we love will leave here before we do, many will leave after. This is an inevitable and undeniable part of every single life in existence, yet, we spend so much of our waking consciousness in a state of distrust, or worry, that somehow disaster will befall us unless we do in fact, “worry.” Worry when we should be praying. Worry when we should be on our knees, not only relying on God for comfort, but asking Him how we can serve Him in a way that will not only improve our state in this earthly life, but how we can improve the state of others. We don’t trust Him to get it right, and we tend to drop back and feel sorry for ourselves when “bad” things happen, and we often spend years in the “denial” stage of grief, and often leave this earth in that state ourselves, which is not what God wants from us.
There seems to be a theme this week about using our gifts, acts of redemptive suffering, and living simply, which, if we follow, should all put us on a path that is free from “worry,” for if we are walking in His footsteps, He will carry us Home through the service we share with others. Turning that “worry” into love, so that we not only give comfort to our own souls, we give comfort to every soul we touch, regardless of their status or time left on earth.
We are in a tumultuous time, and as the powers of Satan escalate on Earth, it’s incumbent upon us to be the Light. To maintain confidence in Him so that we might instill that confidence in others, that they too might spend the rest of their “natural” lives, free from worry. While we will never be completely free from worry, God can most definitely provide us with the means to keep it at bay if we but remain in Him. Allowing Him to live completely through us, with us, and in us, that every soul we touch gets a chance to also live in Him, that they might remain all in, and totally His through the remainder of our “lifetime.” We won’t get through this without His love. And His love depends on us.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
My dear child, how I desire for My people not to worry about their illness, financial status, or any other disturbance they encounter. I desire all to trust in and love the Holy Trinity completely, and in its entirety. My people say they trust in Me and are not afraid of Me, but I tell you, they do not trust completely and are afraid! If they were not afraid of Me, they would believe in My words of truth and would trust in My comfort by not worrying. When they worry, they focus on the source of their problem, utilizing their energy. Their focus is not on My comfort. They struggle because they are afraid of the outcome to their problem. This means they are afraid of Me because they do not trust that I will rectify their problem! They are afraid of losing their control, and they wish for Me to care for their situations in a way that they feel would relieve them of their turmoil and anxiety. If they were not afraid of Me, they would accept whatever the circumstances by surrendering totally into My trust and comfort.
If My people truly loved My Father with all of their hearts, they would be filled with joy and peace, no matter what the perturbing situation. When you lose focus of His goodness and His power as God, you slide into the anxiety caused by worry. No matter what the difficulty, even if it be illness, all focus and peaceful surrender should be given to My Father in songs of praise and hymns and psalms of glory! This is by far the greatest gift you can give to yourself.
Love your God above all with all of your heart. My Father is all giving, loving, merciful and compassionate. He is all good and knowing. He is your romantic God, and I am One with Him! All who love Him dwell in His house and are one with Him in the Holy Trinity.
My lesson today is to tell My people the importance of rejoicing in the Father, quietly and openly. For if it were not for My Father, there would be no hope for the salvation of mankind. It was He Who sent Me to suffer for the redemption of the world and to restore hope. It was He Who allowed His only Son to be crucified so that mankind could have eternal life. It is He, the same God Who loves you, His people, with all His Heart. For He has given to you all that is good.
He has given you Me.
I bless you, My dear one, today, and all My people who rest in My Most Sacred Heart. Peace to you this day. Continue to walk in the perfection of My holiness, My dear people, as I continue to teach you the way in the holiness of My Father.