Wednesday Truth in Deep Love❤️🙏

“I tell My people over and over again to desire to grow in My holiness by desiring to unite in the Oneness of the Holy Trinity. To do this you must desire self denial, and desire total absorption of My love and acceptance to do the will of God. Only My Father can take you to this point, for this is a gift from Him.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

I am blessed upon blessed to have so many wonderful spiritual mentors out there, and if you’re reading this, there’s a very good chance that you’re one of them. We’re all broken, and we all need love, and I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring I receive from you every single day. You keep me balanced, you keep me in check, and more than any of that, you allow me to know how loved I am, and it’s a blessing I’m more than happy to return. And I get much joy from that “return. “
When we pour out kindness, it tends to come back tenfold, and even when it doesn’t, we’ve still put light out into the world that no man might put asunder. And that’s what Jesus calls upon us to do, no more no less. To drop our egos and to drop to our knees in humble service, for there is nothing that compares to the love that will flow into and out of our souls when we submit to Him in service.
Every soul needs to be loved. rich, poor, and every demographic delineation that exists. Not to be haughty or proud, but just to be loved. Deeply. And God had given us the capacity to do just that. It’s really easier to love than it is to not, and all we have to do is “let go.” Allow our pride and our egos to fall, and to allow His love to flow from us that every soul we touch will have the desire to follow, and to love others in turn.
May we turn off the “news,” and turn on the gifts that God has given us, faith, hope, and love, the greatest being love. That every soul we touch will join us in His Kingdom, that we might live together in unity, and remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
DECEMBER 17, 1990
My dear child, I, your Lord, am here awaiting your love and comfort for My wounds. Today I wish to expound on the need to restore dignity and respect to mankind through compassion and love. Oh, My dear child, how My people, especially My poor and downtrodden homeless, are malnourished of love and compassion. There is little or no dignity in their lives; all due to lack of respect and the uncompassionate hearts of their brethren. It is mankind who has destroyed their hopes of life and good fortune; the same mankind which can restore and replenish goodness, hope, love and dignity.
The power My people have has been granted to them from My Father. Yet, because of wickedness, My people misuse their gifts and lose their power to create and restore goodness through love. My people need to be understanding and compassionate! They need to put aside their desires for personal gain and seek to please My Father in freedom! I tell My people over and over again to desire to grow in My holiness by desiring to unite in the Oneness of the Holy Trinity. To do this you must desire self denial, and desire total absorption of My love and acceptance to do the will of God. Only My Father can take you to this point, for this is a gift from Him.
Only those He desires will unite in the Oneness of the Trinity.
Those He desires are My people, who themselves desire; for when they unite with their brethren in unity, love and compassion, and with the dignity and respect of God, they unite in the Oneness of the Holy Trinity. I tell you this, for I have been observing My people these past few weeks and have not given you any lessons because I desired to see their desires, intimate desires of their heart. I long to fill their hearts with My love and with what they need for ultimate freedom; so I have been simply listening and observing the condition and truth of the state of their hearts!
Tell My people that ultimate freedom results from total acceptance of God’s Will! The Will of My Father can be discerned through love, compasion and openness to other’s needs. Freedom is a result of unity in the Holy Trinity and is a state of holiness. If you desire to be free, begin to be compassionate! Learn what compassion is, and how to simply and openly be compassionate. This is My desire for My people this season. My prayer is that they may desire freedom and unity in the Holy Trinity; that they may begin to be loving, forgiving and compassionate through dignity and respect for their brethren.
I bless you and all My people. No matter how evil or wicked they may seem to be in the eyes of man, they are good, only misled, in My eyes; and I will NEVER abandon them! I will always wait for them to simply invite My assistance. Peace, My dear one. My love is yours, united together with My Father.
Ad Deum.