Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Man looks for support of his journey and acceptance from other men. Words move them. They either boost them in pride or offend them through insult and shame. Those that know the Kingdom know that words in God and trust are the true ways. Those who trust in Me are not moved by the offenses of man’s words.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
“Human authority” has truly failed us in ways we might have never deemed imaginable. Whether it be church, government, “civil authority” the media, or your HOA, we’ve socially regressed to a point where “truth,” and even facts are negotiable. They are constantly adjusted to fit “the agenda,” and “the masses” follow like sheep, often unwittingly lying by proxy because we’re led to believe so many things that are patently untrue. Especially when we turn on what now poses as “news.” Even our pastors often immerse themselves in that “poison” and allow it to be “spewed” amongst the flock, as they try to merge the church with the world, which only serves to water down “The Word.”
I’ve learned in a very hard way that God’s Commandments are no joke, and not to be trifled with, as He will not be mocked. Yet we immerse ourselves in agenda driven hatred, and do in fact mock Him as we place agendas before us that are not of Him.
We glorify promiscuity, then cry foul when we’re denied the “right” to kill our unwanted offspring in the womb, many arguing “up until the time of birth.” Empathy for suffering mothers is one thing, but that isn’t what this is about, contrary to the claims of the purveyors of “women’s rights.” DNA doesn’t lie, and the precious gift from God is more than a “clump of cells” lying therein. I even see scientists who deny that fact for political reasons. Woe to them.
We raise “racism” as being the cause of all tbe problems in the “black community,” when there are a plethora of children in that “community” that often don’t know who their fathers are. Yet we don’t even have that “conversation.” We need to blame it all on a false social construct that we call “white people.” Even the racial terminology we use, “black” and “white” are arbitrarily adjusted false social constructs used for political leverage on the daily. It’s a dichotomy that only serves racists. We might want to check ourselves on that, as we all do it. I try not to, but when false vernacular becomes that deeply embedded in a society, it can be hard to shake.
Make no mistake, Jesus is coming, and we will be judged, hopefully not as Sodom and Gomorrah were judged, but what have we done to render ourselves unworthy of such judgment? It’s pretty much where we are as we brag about “pride” over our sexuality, or even about our promiscuity. Yet, if we tell ourselves the truth, just about every social problem we have today can be traced back to our promiscuity. Yet we argue to the death for our “right” to be promiscuous. Note that I am just as guilty as anyone in this, for my own past is checkered with deep sin from which I must repent, and make amends for, as I’m hopefully working towards as I type these words.
Humanity might “judge” us in the moment, as we know many of the apostles did in fact do jail time for bucking authority. I hope I never have to do jail time for bucking authority, but walking with Jesus means walking in truth, and calling out that which is not of Him. It can also mean dying, as He and many of the martyrs before us died, so that we might be able to walk with Him today, in truth, and with deep love. At the end of the day, He is the only judge that matters, for only His Judgment reins eternal. All,else will be rendered to the dust in very short time. Only by keeping our moral compasses pointed on the path of righteousness, can we remain all in, and totally His.❤️🤗🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
(St. Maria Goretti Church in front of Blessed Sacrament; 10/27/91)
My dear child, never fear of My punishment. Fear of
losing Me is the loss men risk when they denounce Me and do not desire the gifts of life.
I am here always with you because of My Love. The choice is for all My people. They decide which path to walk instead of surrendering to Me to guide them on the right path, separate from the ones they are taking.
Man looks for support of his journey and acceptance from other men. Words move them. They either boost them in pride or offend them through insult and shame. Those that know the Kingdom know that words in God and trust are the true ways. Those who trust in Me are not moved by the offenses of man’s words. Those who are guilty mend their ways! Those who are innocent accept the offenses against them with offering to God. They are not moved for acceptance of man and acceptance of words pleasing to them, because they know it is I Who sees the ways of those who are guilty and the ways of those who are innocent!
It is I Who am the judge. I make judgment, not man. When man attempts to place judgment falsely on those who are in-nocent, I am the One Who rectifies in the Kingdom, the only one and true judgment.
I know the deepest incentives of each man’s heart, the doers and the receivers! I even secretly place pretrial judgment to test the trust of My people; to see the depth of the commitment and devotion they claim to profess.
Today, My lesson is to tell My people that I AM HE Who places judgment. Do not allow the words of man to harm you. Trust in Me and in My words, and My judgment shall find you free! If you are knowingly guilty, change your ways by rectifying your behavior to reflect the goodness of God, by being faithful to My commandments.
Those who are innocent know that I am the judge, not man.
Offer in sacrifice your crucifixion and be at peace. The grace of your trust has blessed you with the Kingdom of Peace. I shall come to your aid and be by your side at all times.
Bless you, My dear one, as I look to the heavens of worship and I proclaim to you the goodness of God’s love. Peace comes in trusting and adoring. It is a grace. Peace finds you.
You do not find peace!
Adore Me in purity without consolation, and you will be free always. No man can give you the freedom that I give.
Hope always in Me and not the message! Know your state of being will proclaim My goodness, and it does not matter what you do daily to grant you happiness. If you trust in Me, you will have the peace I merit you. Words will not sway you, but you will be grounded firmly in the soil, and your fruits bountiful. Peace.