Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Shame comes from the values instilled in man by man, instead of loving. Shame leads to chemical dependency, abuse, self destruction because of self humiliation, lack of acceptance, lack of love, embarrassment. I call all of mankind to restore the components of love, mercy, compassion, respect, dignity and honesty. Peace to you, My dear one. Pray that love, through simpleness without conditions, will return through the openness of mankind.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

I grew up in a time when “shame” was one of the most used “disciplinary tools” of the time, whether it be by parents, teachers, or peers. The line was “you should be ashamed of yourself.” I don’t know if that line still gets used a lot, but it reminds me of something many of us seem to carry in us, which I’ll call the “disciplinary ego.” I remember teachers who would shame kids in front of the whole class, and while one might think said discipline ended there, that was never the case. That “shame” would make its way out onto the playground, where kids would take over shaming the kid in question, then the teachers would shame those kids for following an example set by them. The kids whom the teachers “shamed” seemed to often carry their disciplinary problems, or even mental illness with them through the rest of their childhood, and on into adulthood, as the scars from that humiliation never quite go away.
We as adults use it as well; bosses chastising subordinates, spouses chastising spouses, parents chastising children, the list goes on.
Now I’m not going to go so far as to say that all shame is bad, as it was often fear of shame that prevented me from doing stupid things. Unfortunately, it was also fear of shame that would cause me to do stupid things to cover up said shame, thereby digging myself into a deeper hole causing myself more shame.
I suspect many abortions occur due to fear of shame and lack of understanding. It’s a catch 22 as that goes, as “fear of shame” failed to stop us from doing what we did to become pregnant, so it becomes a common tool, often for no other reason than to avoid shame from parents who’s egos have been hurt. They might even call that hurt “humiliation,” as they chastise their offspring for becoming pregnant, when often the love they were seeking when they became pregnant was exacerbated by a lack of love in the home during childhood.
While it’s good that school systems are working to take “shame” off of the table, it seems that they often go so far as to take accountability off the table, creating “safe spaces” where children are shielded from reality. I don’t think character can be built in a vacuum, so we do have to be careful when naive academics try to create a utopian environment where survival instincts can’t be formed. We devolve into a society of serial enablers, and those we “mentor” lose their ability to function without someone telling them how they should feel. There are a lot of people out there telling us how we should “feel,” yet frankly, how I feel is really none of their business.
How we “feel” is between us, God, and whomever we choose to share our feelings. Not a bunch of narcissistic academics trying to shape society to their liking.
Jesus doesn’t call us to shame, but He does call us to Him; to place ourselves at the foot of the cross where He rose from the greatest public version of “shame,”that we might learn to die unto ourselves and suspend our egos, for without our egos there can be no shame, as shame is a product of the ego.
Jesus calls us to love, and love only, and discipline through love is the only brand that’s everlasting, as love comes from God, and love always wins no matter what. That we let Him “hold our hand” and “walk us Home,” for only by walking with Him can we free ourselves from shame, that we might remain all in, and totally His. Let’s go out and spread love. No shame! Happy Friday.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear child, I came today to talk to My beloved people about shame. My people think they know what love is, but they do not embrace the love because they do not love themselves. The underlying cause is shame. Those who are sure to diagnose lack of love on their brethren are the first to have shame rooted deep within them disguising their own lack of love.
What is shame. When the soul is created, it is created the good in the light of truth, and purity exists. Man, through the venomous poison of judgment and resentfulness, places guilt and charges a victim, placing despair and embarrassment through humiliation upon the soul. The soul flees to safety, masking its charges, whether guilty or innocent, by avoiding the accusation and placing reason on another issue or even charging another person of some guilt! The soul is revealed without compassion or love, causing shame which metastasizes to other victim souls. Consequently, the love created is buried deep, and insult topples injury, and the soul cannot love because it is faced with humiliation from lack of acceptance from mankind. It is the norm of the society which exists throughout the world.
My people are not happy. They search for freedom by changing employment, habitation, in hopes of finding peace, joy, acceptance. Before man can be accepted by men, he must first accept himself and allow My love to cleanse him, heal him and dwell in him.
Do not let the affluent people who attach glory with wealth fool you into thinking they love themselves because they are accepted into society by society standards!! I assure you these are the people who seek the most acceptance and are least loved by man, in being, outside of monetary value. These are My people who place shame on others because of the shame which dwells within them! These are My people who do not love themselves with the love of which I speak. These are My people who cannot be alone to face My love and healing, for they escape the truth.
Shame comes from the values instilled in man by man, instead of loving. Shame leads to chemical dependency, abuse, self destruction because of self humiliation, lack of acceptance, lack of love, embarrassment.
I call all of mankind to restore the components of love, mercy, compassion, respect, dignity and honesty. Peace to you, My dear one. Pray that love, through simpleness without conditions, will return through the openness of mankind.
Blessings. Ad Deum.