Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My people learn through patience. Those who put aside their selfishness can only then obtain self love in Me. You must have a self love to truly love, but this self love is one which only focuses on God. This self love denies himself, and only desires to obtain that which God wills. Those who truly love their very self will truly love. I teach of what this self love entails because it is not by the definition of this world’s standard. The self love I teach is this: To love Me, at all costs, first above your desires. To be patient and to endure.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

It’s something of a paradox that true self love can only be manifested through our humility. We grow up in a competitive world, with a desire to feel “important” in a worldly and competitive sense, but our souls come up empty because instead of glorifying God through our works we try to glorify ourselves, and glorification of the self dies right along with us. In fact it typically dies even before we do, and leaves our souls empty as we crave the material over the spiritual. There is nothing material that won’t be rendered to dust in a very short time, but the love we share through our humility is indeed eternal, and will live on through every soul we touch. And when we touch other souls from a humble place with no agenda other than love, God not only smiles upon us, He reflects that love back upon us, and it grows exponentially as others tend to reflect that love back on others. It’s the “ripple effect” that’s so often talked about, or like I mused the other day, kind of like Amway, where “they tell two friends” and so on.
God’s Heavenly Kingdom on Earth is a product of the love that we as Christians bring to the table every single day, not through our pontification or our “judgement,” but through our humility and love. We can preach The Gospel all day long, but if we don’t live it, In humility, it’s not only difficult to truly love ourselves, but to love others, because we’re living through the ego instead of the spirit. And it’s impossible to love through the ego. Not even to love ourselves.
I pray that we go out today, or if we’re staying at home playing on Facebook, we remember that nothing should be about us. If we make it about love for others, our own souls will be capable of self love, because we have given something valuable of ourselves that will be returned a hundredfold if we but stay the course in humility. Only through our humility can we truly love ourselves in a way that keeps our souls all in, and totally His. If we remain in Him, He will in fact, show us the way to love for all, including ourselves.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
(St. Peter’s Baptistry; 6/23/92)
My dear child, I, your Lord and Teacher, come here with you. As I asked Peter to make a final decision to follow Me, I ask you. You are a follower through heart, not so much in knowledge. This is why I teach you My truth through heart. I teach you directly. The heart lives My knowledge. My people may find it difficult to comprehend My words to you as “the” Lord, but I AM; and I choose whom I desire to reach all My people.
Living samples of My love I mold My chosen, no matter how impure. This is the way that My people can be certain of My teaching. If you were all-knowing, a scholar in theology or of My life and teachings, it would be unlikely for My people to be persuaded. But you are a sinner and impure yet in the eyes of God. I shall make you My love and mercy for the world to see that I am a merciful and loving God, pulling you out from the midst of your wretchedness into the cleanliness of My Kingdom, providing hope for My chosen people of Israel!
My people learn through patience. Those who put aside their selfishness can only then obtain self love in Me. You must have a self love to truly love, but this self love is one which only focuses on God. This self love denies himself, and only desires to obtain that which God wills. Those who truly love their very self will truly love. I teach of what this self love entails because it is not by the definition of this world’s standard. The self love I teach is this: To love Me, at all costs, first above your desires. To be patient and to endure.
Happy and willing are they to rejoice in Me when all is well, but do not rejoice willingly when the time indicates uneventful fruits according to their standards. You wish to follow Me only for the moment when all seems well, but cannot follow Me with the cross.
True followers and lovers love Me so unconditionally that they desire only Me and the fruits from the vine, mature and ripen. This is self love and total union, not worrying over trivial ways of living; bearing with patience and being balanced and committed to My love, regardless of the times when things are good or bad.
Remember, I give you peace: peace, not as the world knows. Those who are burdened, yet completely abandoned unto Me, live in My peace. It is a peace of union, like having a meal together, breaking bread, moving forward and not dwelling on the past.
This is self love when, especially in the times of distur-bance, that unity of the lover and the sinner is transfigured into unity of lover to lover. The cross then becomes the link between the North and South, East and West. The trials of the follower, through the cross, become the sweetness and fruitful consummation of the total union. This is when the self is purified to be found worthy in the eyes of God to love as God loves and to be merciful as God is Mercy.
Today I ask My people as I asked Peter and I ask you. Do you love Me? Then feed My lambs. Make your decision, your final commitment, and your confusion will dissipate. Then all obstacles will become the gateways. Then your desire will be only that of Mine, and then can self love commence leading to the union of the “consummation of My love”.
I love you, My dear one. That is why I discipline you, to teach you. If I did not love, I would not break you, nor would I have been broken in humble resignation to save you. Let us now pray to the Father. Come, forget the past. Let us move forward together. Let us “break bread” and love in unity. Ad Deum.