Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“Seek first the Will of God. Blindfold yourself from the way of the world and seek freedom through self-denial, so I may renew you and make you clean. Then you will be able to live in the world, whole, free and in purity of mind and soul. It can only be done through Me. It is the only way.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
God has this.
Not those in “power,” not the “media,” and certainly not our “politicians” who submit, and act as puppets for those who are in “power,” as the world views “power.”
We all like to pretend we “know” things, and that our “vote matters,” which it only does on the most temporal level. Half the “world” is going to be very disappointed in November, when the debacle we like to call an “election” takes place, as we’ve all been “brainwashed” to a certain degree as we’re led to believe that someone or something is in control of things other than God. We align ourselves with one of two diabolically possessed political parties as though one of them can “save us” from the world’s volatility, but in the end, who lives, who dies, and who “rules” is strictly up to God, for the only things on earth that are eternal are the acts of love we render unto others in His name. Meanwhile, we hate each other because we are in fact aligning ourselves way too strongly over things and ideologies that are far outside of His Will.
Jesus calls us to be better than that. We regurgitate the things the “media” tells us, and foster hatred towards our fellow humans for no other reason than the fact that we fail to see through the manipulation, and manipulated we are. Every time we turn on the tabloid farce that likes to call itself “news.”
Jesus calls us to extract ourselves from the childishness, the “name calling” and sophomoric “finger pointing” that takes place as we watch people we love “lie by proxy” because they’re merely repeating things they’re told without doing their due diligence to find out if what they’re repeating is actually true. And that “due diligence” can be hard to do, as information becomes manipulated by “money.” I’ve seen very important and relevant “videos” disappear from public access as factions work around us to “control the narrative.” We are like the proverbial “frogs in boiling water” as we not only submit to the filth that surrounds us, we enable it, and become part of it, as our egos take over where our consciences should be “acting.”
How should our “consciences be acting?” Mostly by remembering that if it isn’t love, it isn’t of Him. By going out and getting involved. Touching others as Jesus would touch them, as opposed to hiding behind our keyboards calling each other names on social media. By placing ourselves at the foot of the cross, and allowing Him to fill our souls as we die unto ourselves and allow Him “all in.” To go forth and share the love that only He can fill us with, and to share His Light, as we “walk each other Home” in The Way, The Truth, and The Life. To turn off the news and pray. That His “Kingdom come, and His Will be done, on earth, as it is in Heaven.”❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
(St. Ruffino Church, Assisi; 7/8/92)
My dear one, once you have recognized your sins, the
soul in remorse is in pain because of its powerless and dark state of emptiness. At this point, I teach you to give more of yourself to Me and not to yourself. Give praises to God by paying little heed to yourself and focus on the goodness of God. Bless the name of the Lord, for his mercy is upon you. Do not focus on your sinfulness or the wretched state of your soul, but focus, instead, on the mercy of God. Sing songs of gratitude and thanksgiving for His compassion and understanding. This is the way I ask My people to live. This is living the way of God.
You are powerless without Me, and you are everything in Me. I live in all, so you are all in each other!
Man needs man. I have come for man, so all can reap the fruits from the vine. All the fruits that are sweet come from the vine, though, at first, the fruit is bitter, because the soil is bitter after parting from the vine. Special care is needed, and pruning the vine, and time. When the season is at hand, the fruit is ripe and is then distributed.
I speak to My people through you, a wretched sinner, because MY MERCY ENDURES FOREVER. It is My love that molds and softens the hardest of hearts. If My love for you is great, how much more would I give to My people. My heart has been pierced, for the pain of love for My people still exists.
Do not hide in your sinfulness. I am Mercy, and I will bless you and cleanse you in My mercy. Empty yourself at the foot of the cross, and you shall live and be made whole. How I say the harvest is rich, but the laborers are few. Collect the laborers and bring them to the field. Your soul’s state of independence is not freedom. Freedom only exists in total dependence on Me. There lies your power. There will I be in the quiet depths of your soul, waiting for you to give of yourself, in order that I could only give back to you a renewed and enriched gem.
This freedom exists through discipline and obedience, obedience not to yourself, but to Me. You think you are all knowing of the right way of obedience, but all you know is deception through superficial obedience.
Seek first the Will of God. Blindfold yourself from the way of the world and seek freedom through self-denial, so I may renew you and make you clean. Then you will be able to live in the world, whole, free and in purity of mind and soul.
It can only be done through Me. It is the only way.
I AM THE WAY. He who knows Me knows the Way!
Peace, My little one. Remember, there is nothing of this world you should be afraid for people to see while being stripped and purified, because I am He Who grants eternal life. 1 am the Judge, not the people you live around. Therefore, if all pay heed to the truth of the Word, all shall be purified and safe, because MY MERCY ENDURES FOREVER. Ad Deum.