Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
10/1, Feast day of St Therese, The Little Flower
St Therese, Please pray for us.❤️🙏

“How blessed are those who remain free of their vanity to allow the glory of God to be their source of nourishment. I feed souls far beyond human comprehension. At this point, the beginning of your transcension will ascend quickly through My grace; not that you may be aware. It is not through your effort, so you cannot claim reward from your effort. But graciously give praise to Me for My goodness in ascending you in My love, a love I merit and emanate out to all I desire.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

It’s beautiful to watch saintly souls who can fully and easily surrender to Him in ways that I tend to struggle with. These are the people from whom I learn the most. The humble and the meek, as they give their souls to others while I so arrogantly ponder the agitation of other souls who tend to draw others into their paths of “destruction.”
Therese in all of her innocence and infinite wisdom is so so relevant today in her words of truth that teach us humility. Divinely inspired guidance, that we might properly stay on God’s path as we traverse the obstacles that the world places before us, and it’s usually our ego that becomes the greatest obstacle. Lately, I’m finding that one of the most effective mantras I can keep in the forefront of my brain consists of the words “this isn’t about me.”

“This isn’t about me.”

To actively listen to what others have to say, and feel what they feel requires us to not only say it and feel it, but to completely engage those around us and peer into their souls from a place of selflessness and surrender that allows more of God, and less of ourselves to guide us as we walk with others in His infinite Truth. To follow like a lamb, and allow Him to be The Shepherd as we carry each other Home to Him.
To be humble.
To be humble.
To be humble.
To pray to God to fill my soul that it reflects more of Him, and less of me in every interaction. That my thoughts, words and deeds bring the fruit to His Kingdom that He desires. That we might rest our souls in the “palm of His Hand,” where we can remain all in, and totally His, from now into eternity. Through His infinite and perfect love. It’s all that matters, and it’s everything that’s eternal. It’s all we get to take with us when we leave this realm. May we be one with Him always.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, as the soul ascends in prayer, it comes to a point where I grace it with My love, and entreat a spiritual matrimony. You come completely into My hands through a void of emptiness which allows you to simply be quiet. I then fill the emptiness with heavenly love. This love is not a human love of emotions, as you know it to be from past experiences, but the mystery of the Divine. When in this state, do not fight, but surrender even more; or the current of the sea will only pull you farther away until, through exhaustion, you surrender! It is the highest, most pure form of ecstasy prayer, one of a union with God. No words, no emotions, no senses of touch, but an ambiance of peace like a baby sleeping in the comfort of a mother’s arms. It entails no snergy on your part because the prayer of grace is all of Me, so hence, the purity of My grace prevails.
How blessed are those who remain free of their vanity to allow the glory of God to be their source of nourishment. I feed souls far beyond human comprehension. At this point, the beginning of your transcension will ascend quickly through My grace; not that you may be aware. It is not through your effort, so you cannot claim reward from your effort. But graciously give praise to Me for My goodness in ascending you in My love, a love I merit and emanate out to all I desire. Hear what you think you have grasped. It will be realized that you have only learned very little! What you have acquired is less than nothing; and so you exist in a tunnel of an empty void, not seeing ahead nor behind, suspended, but traveling like the speed of light in space.
If you allow yourself to allow Me to filter in My love, you will progress rapidly, even though at times, from the human element, uncomfortably! The discomfort is due to your lack of surrendering. When you have experienced surrender even further, you are no longer aware that you even have the control to surrender!
Desire only to be close to Me, and I will ascend you into another dimension of life, My life, where My goodness knows only that which is good, total peace, love and virtue.
It is past the level of human comprehension. Do not analyze.
Do not even attempt in fervor to seek more. You must just be who you are, not knowing who you are, but knowing you are because of Me!!
Come, come and be quiet now. Rest and listen to the silence of emptiness of the world. You will hear treasures of harmonious harps from the heavens!
Peace, My love. Peace. Peace. Peace.