Friday Truth in Deep Live🤗❤️🙏

“Just be in Me. Rest, work in the patience of love, and give to Me all of yourself. This is what I desire the most from My people. I desire their intimacy in simplicity.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

To live a life that’s “all in, and totally His,” takes way less in the way of “effort” than it does “submission.” Or as the old adage goes; “letting go and letting God.”
Patience, humility, and peeling back the layers of all that is not of Him so all that’s left is love. And I can guarantee that if we keep our hearts and souls in that mode, abundant graces will follow.
First and foremost, we must tune out “the world,” and tune into Him and the precious gifts He has given us. We must learn to see souls as God does without the social encumbrances that cause us to judge. The false constructs like “black, white, skinny, fat, gorgeous, ugly, good or bad. False labels we apply without even beginning to see the soul that lies therein.
We’re a society that lives on “labels,” but at the end of the day, labels are merely tools of the ego, and have no value outside of the facade we tend to become enamored with when it’s all we allow ourselves to see.
God has no use for those labels, and neither should we, but our tendency is to use them to bolster our ego, and bolster our egos we do, especially in the collective sense when we become immersed in “group think,” and carry society down wormholes of falsehood that tend to be destructive by the mere nature of their existence.
As I keep repeating ad nauseam, we’re not going to change anyone or anything with our “opinion.” The only value our opinion has is to Satan, as we keep using said “opinion” to foster hatred because it appeases our egos.
Our only way to affect change is through love, and if we serve others with love, and focus on that, whether at home or out in the world, God will walk us through every encounter and interaction with the grace we need to fulfill His Will and to further do our “little parts” to help bring His Kingdom to fruition as He has proclaimed.
Happy Friday, precious souls. It’s a good day to go out and love someone. If you see em, find a way to love them, even if it’s only with a mere glance. It’s a beautiful way to live, and you’ll ultimately be glad you did. For all eternity.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I an Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, allow yourself to rest and to give yourself with your whole heart to Me. Seek always to surrender to My Will. The secret of progress is patience.
Nothing will come to pass unless it is permitted by me.
Everything shall be in accordance to Divine Providence.
Therefore, put your mind at ease and rest in My love.
Acknowledge My justice in My works and give to Me your love. Have patience and take courage. Your comfort will come to you in proper time. Simply give to Me now all of your attention. I want all of you.
Trust in Me, and you shall receive the counsel profitable for your inheritance in My Kingdom. It is not necessary for you always to be preoccupied at every minute.
Just be in Me. Rest, work in the patience of love, and give to Me all of yourself. This is what I desire the most from My people. I desire their intimacy in simplicity.
Speak to Me simply, in detail. Tell Me the depth of your inner thoughts. Treat Me as your most secret companion, a companion in Whom you relay all your secrets!
It is most pleasing for Me to receive from you. Nothing means more to Me than to receive ALL OF YOU. I am a patient God. I am patiently awaiting My comfort from you. Give to Me what is Mine. You are Mine! I will make you forget your pains and give you the joy of everlasting happiness.
Do not place your peace in your brethren, but in Me, for only I can give you peace. You will become twisted in an unsettling affair if you look to please others for their hap-piness, instead of looking to Me to grace them with a bond of love. Without Me, no friendship is of any strength! For friendship to have a strong bond, it must have a true bond of love through a bond to Me.