Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“As I purify you and make you clean, you may suffer the markings of pain from worldly attachments. Those who persevere and remain persistent in prayer, saturated in faith, move from apathy to courage, and are transfigured in the likeness of purity and joy. Life then becomes life! The fullness of color and the fullness of the senses return to appreciate and to unite in harmony with creation!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

What good are “worldly attachments” if we lose our soul in gaining them? I can walk through a graveyard with dozens of very expensive random tombstones, and wonder about these “idols to the self,” and whether anyone will remember the people they represent even 50-100 years from now. We chunked down 5k for a box with a plaque in our church memorial garden, and our kids and grandkids may or may not stop by and do a “Griswald look at the Grand Canyon” as they hang out on a park bench for a minute, and move along to whatever they have planned for the rest of their day, but that isn’t why we’re here. To be “memorialized in stone.”
God puts us here to love, and the love we give to others in our walk is the piece of ourselves that will guide us and those we touch into the purity of God’s eternity. That love is what changes the world in little ways that make Jesus smile upon us, and more than that, upon those we touch. The more we give to others, the more He lives through and in us that those others might live in Him. And no plaque or idol can adequately represent or reflect that, nor can our collections of physical possessions that will all be rendered to dust upon our departure from this realm.
There are “helpers” everywhere, and if we find those helpers and help them help others, our eternity in God’s Heavenly Kingdom will begin now, and the love that happens in those instances last forever, and that we do get to take with us when we leave this physical realm.
Opportunities to love are everywhere, and the more we seek and immerse ourselves in those opportunities, the closer we will be to Jesus, and the closer we are to Jesus, the more perfect our souls and lives will be as we “walk each other Home” through these trying times.
I pray that we all pray, and ask Him how we can help, for our eternity lies in our response to His answers and His Call. That He might bring every soul we touch into His Kingdom, that they, as well as we, might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, I want My people to now know the importance of simplicity. If your intention is to be good and pure, it must be simple. If you seek My Will and nothing else, you will experience the abode of My love; and the creations around you will be magnified in My goodness in your emotional and interior state.
For a pure heart is one that sees goodness. He, who has a pure heart, will experience joy because that person will see My hands in the sweetness of creation. But the person who has apathy for himself is one who experiences the anguish of life because he (no specific gender) knows not the state of interior joy. For what God has created is good. The pure soul Will see this goodness without difficulty. Taking care of all the little things of the world (for everything has value) in an intention of simplicity, ascends your soul in a transformation of God’s goodness.
As I purify you and make you clean, you may suffer the markings of pain from worldly attachments. Those who persevere and remain persistent in prayer, saturated in faith, move from apathy to courage, and are transfigured in the likeness of purity and joy. Life then becomes life! The fullness of color and the fullness of the senses return to appreciate and to unite in harmony with creation!
My dear one, each person created must stand alone before
God the Father!
My Father embraces each person with a love beyond your comprehension. It is necessary that my people begin to strive for an inner harmony of quiet and peace, allowing the way for the unity of the Trinity to enter and find rest. Begin through actions of simplicity and openness of necessary detachments from human behavior.
My peace is with you in all the things of creation in the world. Nothing is worthless! Every creation is of value, and magnifies the illuminous love of God. Ad Deum.