Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“The reality is that when you face fear, it is fear that dissipates. Call your fear. Name your fears and tame your fears in My love, through gentleness and kindness and, most importantly, through love of yourself. Your energy will then be rerouted anew to a colorful force of joy and happiness of within your true self in My love.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

How often has fear stopped us from being the best we can be? Our tendency can be to stifle ourselves because people make fun of us in “school,” or wherever, and rather than deal with the chastisement, it’s easier to withdraw “into our shell” never to be heard from again. We become introverts when God has so much purpose for us outside of that “shell.”
It can also be hard to talk about Jesus in a secular world because we think bullies like I used to be are out there in full force ready to pounce on us and make us “explain ourselves.” But the reality I find as a Christian, is that the atheists and intellectual wannabes are actually very few, and Jesus is rarely unwelcome in conversation. There are actually many many people out there who need and want what we have in Jesus, and not only is it up to us, but Jesus calls us to go out and share His love that ALL might live in Him. And in the end, He will have our backs as we have His as we walk with each other in His perfect peace.
Jesus not only allowed Himself to be subjected to the worst chastisement and “death penalty” that humanity had to offer, He allows it to be publicly known even in our time, and there are crosses and crucifixes on nearly every street corner to remind us of this, yet we still live in fear. How do we apologize to Jesus for our apathy after all He has done for us? He allowed Himself to be tortured, bullied, spat on and killed. Yet we’re often afraid to even display that Cross, much less die unto ourselves metaphorically because we might be “embarrassed.”
With all that’s going on today, “embarrassment” should be the least of our fears, yet our egos(edging God out) kick in, and our potential remains in that “potential” state, and we shrink back into less than we can be, if not “nothingness.”
Jesus often and most certainly calls us to prayer, but He also calls us to action. To “heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers and drive out demons.”(Matthew 10:8)
There are plenty of opportunities out there to do these things. Finding missions in our churches that resonate with our hearts, souls, and talents. Contacting our local rescue mission or soup kitchen to see how we can help. Working with our youth that they might become better people. Nursing home visits, or just going out and being good. And keeping our “politics” “in our pants,” because in this political climate, nobody needs to care what I think about the “hate fest” that’s brewing in our nation because of these devil possessed political parties, their supporters, and their media minions.
Jesus call us to love. That’s it, and only by suspending our egos and remaining in Him, can we bring His Eternal Kingdom to fruition, that every soul we touch sees an opportunity to live a life that’s all in, and totally His.
The love we give to others will return to us tenfold, if we merely cast our fears into the abyss, and go forth in love, for love is the only way to get through the “fear.”❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
FEARS (8/7/92)
My dear one, I want my people to know to fear nothing! I watch your heart in great attention. If I am with you, who can dare touch you? In order to do My work, you must relinquish all self-centeredness and seek that which is pleasing to the will of God. This is how you witness the fruits of the spirit. I am pleased when, in your simpleness, you share with Me even your fears. This is good. Hide nothing from Me and you will ascend. Acknowledging your fears is fruitful, realizing that you have nothing to fear of the fear. Taming that fear in My love allows you to breathe freedom from the control of your crippling fears.
In order for all to be free and grow in humility and experience the joy of their being in My love, all must look at their inner state, praying for My grace to address their needs spiritually, physically and emotionally. Nothing is lost except fear! Fear would like to control you and deceive you to think that if you face it, you would lose self-dignity, respect, love of self and become mindless.
The reality is that when you face fear, it is fear that dissipates. Call your fear. Name your fears and tame your fears in My love, through gentleness and kindness and, most importantly, through love of yourself. Your energy will then be rerouted anew to a colorful force of joy and happiness of within your true self in My love.
You will see that, through lack of facing your fear, you were losing your love, your control of emotions, your dignity, your respect and clarity of your thought processes. It is a step all My people need to take, since only few have courageously stepped into the open abyss, and persevered in the persistence of faith and love by My gracing help.
You, My dear one, are going through this process, and everything I teach to My people, you must actually live. You must experience each word I speak in order for you to witness My love to all My people. My people can relate to one who has lived the turmoil, and overcome it, in order for them to listen to any authoritativeness regarding My love and Mercy.
If you did not experience this, all for My people, then your words would only be words.
My people are precious, and all need the gentleness of love to replace their fears and brokenness. I am with my people. I hope in My people. I encourage My people to take that leap for love of themselves and their God. I wait for them through you. Give to them, through giving of yourself, My love, and My love will stay with them. I will mold them, then, Myself.
But love conquers through union and harmony. And so, I unite Myself with you for My quest of this love of My people.