“My people are precious, and all need the gentleness of love to replace their fears and brokenness. I am with my people. I hope in My people. I encourage My people to take that leap for love of themselves and their God.”(From Gianna below)

Fear equals control, and fear equals money for those who capitalize on it. So many human forces out there want us to be afraid. How can they be in control if we allow God to be in control? God has brought us this far, and at the end of the day, or even the end of this era, He is the Alpha and the Omega. He is everything we’ve ever needed and everything we ever will need. It’s said that “fear not” is in The Bible 365 times. A reminder for every day of the year. We all claim to believe in Him, and in His mercy and grace, yet we allow human forces to instill fear in us, when we know that He is here for us, to bring us through every challenge the world places upon us. Our greatest fears lie in paradigm shifts. Loss of homes, jobs or loved ones. Things we know are impermanent in this realm, yet we still cling to them when we know that the only thing permanent is the love of God. He who lives through us, with us and in us in His precious blood, and His precious light. He is our Mercy and He is our Salvation. We need to live only through Him that we can carry each other home in His precious light. The Way, the Truth, and The Life, always and forever. He provides the only place of permanence where we can rest our hearts, souls, and minds, that we might live in Him forever. In perfect love. Totus Tuus.❤️🙏

As told to Gianna Talone Sullivan, August 7, 1992, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
“My dear one l want My people to know to fear nothing!
I watch your heart in great attention. If I am with you,
who can dare touch you? In order to do My work, you must
relinquish all self-centeredness and seek that which is pleasing
to the will of God. This is how you witness the fruits of the
spirit. I am pleased when, in your simpleness, you share with
Me even your fears. This is good. Hide nothing from Me and
you will ascend. Acknowledging your fears is fruitful, realiz-
ing that you have nothing to fear of the fear. Taming that tear
in My love allows you to breathe freedom from the control
of your crippling fears.
In order for all to be free and grow in humility and experience the
joy of their being in My love, all must look at
their inner state, praying for My grace to address their needs
spiritually, physically and emotionally. Nothing is lost except
fear! Fear would like to control you and deceive you to think
that if you face it, you would lose self-dignity, respect, love
of self and become mindless.
The reality is that when you face fear, it is fear that dissipates.
Call your fear. Name your fears and tame your fears in My love, through gentleness and kindness and, most importantly, through love of yourself. Your energy will then be rerouted anew to a colorful force of joy and happiness within your true self in My love.
You will see that, through lack of facing your fear, you
were losing your love, your control of emotions, your dignity,
your respect and clarity of your thought processes. It is a step
all My people need to take, since only few have couragcously
stepped into the open abyss, and persevered in the persistence
of faith and love by My gracing help.
You, My dear one, are going through this process, and
everything I teach to My people, you must actually live. You
must experience each word I speak in order for you to witness
My love to all My people. My people can relate to one who
has lived the turmoil, and overcome it, in order for them to
listen to any authoritativeness regarding My love and Mercy.
If you did not experience this, all for My people, then your
words would only be words.
My people are precious, and all need the gentleness of love
to replace their fears and brokenness. I am with my people. I
hope in My people. I encourage My people to take that leap
for love of themselves and their God. I wait for them through
you Give to them, through giving of yourself, My love, and
My love will stay with them. I will mold them, then, Myself.
but love conquers through union and harmony. And so, I unite
Myself with you for My quest of this love of My people.”