My dear little Children, praise be Jesus! I love you children, and I pray on your behalf to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, in the Blessedness of the Triune God, The Blessed Trinity.
You are gifted with tremendous virtues and graces. As you know, there is so much that is surrounding you in today’s world that is causing you confusion, despair, and hopelessness, and many people are sad and depressed.
I have forewarned you a long time ago how important it was and still is, to remain faithful to God, committed to prayer and to have an intimate relationship with God. The evil one would like to see division at all levels and in every avenue within your lives; those who are Christian and those who are not.
The most important thing is to remain focused in prayer, to remain true to yourself and to love, and to remain pure within the Sacred Heart of my Son. He will hide you in His wounds and there you will be protected until the day you will continuously praise Him and Love Him. I am with you and have always been with you.
Situations will only intensify because this has been forewarned as well. How will you know I am telling the Truth and how will you know the difference? Be careful! Stay within the Sacred Heart of Jesus and do not judge. No matter how much you know, who you know, and what you have witnessed, remain focused on prayer, and stay within the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Only God sees what is within and it is very important that you refrain from labeling other people or seeking to take sides against one or the other. God is God and you are called to Love! The Blessed Trinity will guide you, as long as you remain faithful to His Holy Word and remain faithful to God.
I remain with you and take all your petitions and I bless you. May God’s peace rest upon you. Within your hearts, within your souls, within the world and within your families, and may you never depart from His side. Peace to you. I bless you and I love you in the name of the Triune God. (Our Lady blessing us now…)
Praise and Glory for all eternity Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
May God be with you.
Ad Deum
Miss the OLOE prayer groups. Is there a way you could do a Zoom OLOE rosary prayer group (on Thursday evenings)? Just an idea.