Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg
to the World
through Gianna Sullivan
for January 12, 2003
The Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord
Praised be Jesus.
My little ones, I am your Mother. In the splendor of Christ’s Light I invite you to look to
His Light and to be the Light in His Love. This is the Way of the apostles and the Way of
discipleship: to live in the Light and the Truth and the Love of Christ. Even though it
seems that there is much embarking upon the world, even if it is war indeed, allow me to
tell you that the splendor of God’s Light brings hope; and those who look to a new
tomorrow and those who are disciples of God’s Love will be victorious in His Light.
However, there is the need to be prudent and wise and to look in prayer and silence with
all simplicity and forgiveness of neighbor toward what the new world, the new tomorrow
will bring.
This new era of Christ is one in which this forgiveness, this love, this
gentleness and kindness will flourish.
It seems impossible at this moment because so much evil surrounds you, so much that will
distract you, and because of those around you who wish to pull you away from the
simplicity, kindness and Truth of God’s Love. It is not very difficult to follow my Son,
but it is difficult to make the decision. When you are enticed and persuaded; when
perhaps, in times of tragedy and enforcement, you feel that you must agree with another
force; then I invite you to stand your ground firmly. Know that We have not abandoned
you, even though you may think and feel We are not there. We have not abandoned you.
Look to this new tomorrow. Know that it is my Son the Child Jesus who was borne in my
womb in the purity of the Holy Spirit, who was brought forth into a cradle, who now is
the Salvific Savior who was crucified and died on the Cross for you, and who is again
coming forth in this spiritual Eucharistic reign. In this emergence of Life itself is your
safety and your protection.
My dear children, I have mentioned publicly that my daughter (Gianna) would have a
child** the age of seven before the world would know about my appearances here (in
Emmitsburg, Maryland). Now it is embarking upon you. Look to the past and what do
you see? You see so much has unfolded that had been prophesied and what you deem to
have been laid out by me in Truth as words from heaven. But also what you see is great
hope. In this hope, I can tell you, that God is alive, and that all your blessed, beloved
ones are treasured in my Immaculate Heart and dwell within the Sacred Heart of my Son
because I bring them there. Do not give up but look forward in comradery and in union,
and live the justice of God in truth, in peace and in harmony,
I love you. There is no other love that I can give to you but the Love of my Son which is
the Love of the Truth. Thank you, my beloved ones. In the splendor of God’s grace, as in
the Baptism of my Son by John, look for the replenishment of the fresh waters of God to
refresh your souls, to cleanse you from all iniquities and to lead you on to the only one
path. There is only one Way. There is only one God, and I am His Mother.
(**The daughter of Gianna and Michael Sullivan was born on January 12, 1996.)