Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Remember, child, that God approves and selects whom He desires to commend. It is not man to commend or seek praises or dispraises of himself. It belongs under the hand of God. Therefore, a clean conscience is one that looks to Me, to the heavens for union, and pays little attention to the ways of men and is not swayed by his word.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

My Facebook feed is full of comments from people who tuned in to a tabloid farce that was presented to us last night in the form of what they called a “debate.” I didn’t watch it, and considering the comments I’m seeing, there is no winner, and the loser is anyone who actually poisoned their brain watching it. Lies and more lies. I almost feel like I need to take another bath after merely reading what many of y’all are saying about it.
And out here in the real world, the “volume” is turned up on hatred and division amongst the “American people,” and ultimately the world.
There are no “statesmen” running for “president,” and anyone who isn’t holding their nose when they mark their ballot is clearly harboring delusion on some level. We already know what these people stand for, and neither of them tell the truth about any of it, nor does the “media” that aligns itself with them, and “align” they most certainly do.
Meanwhile, a lot of people in this country hate a lot of other people in this country for no other reason than they pick a set of values that most resonates with them and gravitate towards whomever represents that set of values, with no regard for truth. Zero regard for truth. They even lie about their lies. And it’s all about power and money. Each “side” spends millions upon millions of dollars doing everything they can to make the other side look like “Hitler,” and many of you make it abundantly clear that you’re believing the things that they say. If that money went to feeding the hungry? Well at least there would be something to show for what now amounts to toxic waste.
There’s an old saying that goes “opinions are like @$$holes, everybody has one,” yet, there is so much hatred among neighbors in this country because everyone thinks their opinion is important.
Meanwhile, our egos are going full force, because we not only think our opinions are important, but we start thinking that what others think about us is important.
The world is darkening, and unless we get right with God, who’s opinion is the only one that will ever matter in the grand scheme of things, His Kingdom will elude us, and we will have little choice but to remain in the “dark.”
To bring light to others, to heal the sick, and to “kiss the leper” is what we’re called to do, no more, no less, and today, to even begin a “discussion” about “politics” is to invite Satan into the room. It’s all diabolically crafted and zero good can come from it.
No matter who “wins” this election, we can rest assured that any agenda they do have will be obstructed by the “other side,” and the only thing that will actually get “done” is the fomentation of more hatred.
This is why we need Jesus more than ever. He may not seem as “tangible” to many of us, because He doesn’t come on TV to render His “opinion,” but if we ourselves remain centered in Him when we do go out into the “world,” then our thoughts, words, deeds, and actions will in fact have a lasting impact on the world, that no “opinion” can cast asunder.
The world needs more of Jesus and less of “us,” and only by dropping our egos and immersing ourselves completely in Him, can we have any hope of positive impact on this world. And a clean conscience to go with it.
I pray that we step out of our “political boxes,” and allow Him into our hearts, souls, and minds, that we might have a positive effect on this world that transcends “global politics,” and brings real truth to the table. At the end of the day, Jesus loves all of us, and only by remaining “all in, and totally His,” can our existence on this earth have lasting impact. Love is all that lasts, and love is all that matters.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
(Jerusalem; 6/28/92)
My dear one, take down My words now fo My people. A good conscience is one which brings joy in God. It is your glory when your conscience is clear! It is not in what is in your words, but what is in your heart. Speech does not reflect the interior. He, who has a clear conscience, will be content and in peace with himself. My Father sees what is within. Man looks upon the actions and speech of men, but it is I Who weighs the intentions of the heart. It is the interior of the heart which will ultimately speak the actions in truth, but what man does not see on the outside does not mean it is not seen by the eyes of God interiorly. Also, what man sees through actions exteriorly does not reflect in its totality inwardly! Man may not praise you, but this does not mean you are worse or less holy. Likewise, if you are praised by man, this does not mean you are holy!
My point today, child, is this: walking with Me interiorly and refusing comfort from man, without seeking consolation or affection, is the state of an interior confidence and purity.
To do your best, yet to hold yourself in little account, will solidify union of a humble state. If you seek after the glory of this world, you have little love for what is heavenly.
Keep a good conscience. Clean yourself before the temple and you shall have joy. Remember, the wicked cannot have Joy or peace because there is no joy or peace to the wickedness of evil. The projects of the evil will only perish. True peace and joy can only be sustained in Me, and I rest in the humble, pure and clean hearts. A clean conscience is one who examines itself continuously to wash, to sift and rinse and clean for a resting place for its Master. This means that great tranquillity of the heart will not seek affection of man’s praises or dispraises, but will look to God for His face to behold.
Remember, child, that God approves and selects whom He desires to commend. It is not man to commend or seek praises or dispraises of himself. It belongs under the hand of God. Therefore, a clean conscience is one that looks to Me, to the heavens for union, and pays little attention to the ways of men and is not swayed by his word. Ad Deum.