Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“I call My dear beloved ones to be selfless and to focus on Me in order that they will be able to help their brethren in the love I have given to them. My people continue to be so preoccupied with their own spiritual difficulties and their own need for consolation, that they miss the door to opportunity to being selfless.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them everything I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, remaining with you perpetually, regardless of circumstance, and on every occasion, even to the end of the age”- Jesus, Matthew 28:19-20
Jesus doesn’t call us to church and to prayer so we can sit around the house watching news, arguing politics, and further dividing the world more than it already is. In an era where any political opinion is deemed “hate speech” by the half of the world that carries a different opinion, Jesus call us to extraction from that, to dig more deeply, and get down to the roots of society through service. To act in a way that is tangible, and truly brings the Light of Christ to others, which will never happen if we’re putting our “opinion” before our humility, which tends to foment either distrust, or collective disdain depending on to whom we happen to be rendering said “opinion.”
Jesus gives us a place in His Kingdom where His armor will protect us, even in death, if we but “stay the course” which means making everything we think, feel, say, and do, an act of love. We’ve come to a place in society where we truly need to stop “political talk,” just like other forms of “gossip,” in its tracks, for considering what we are fed by the propagandists claiming to be “media,” anything we claim to know about politics really isn’t much more than gossip, and it deserves to be treated as such. The more we think we know, the less we tend to actually know in this climate, as we tend to be so easily led down paths of thought that are divisive by design.
Truth can only be manifested through love, even if it has to be manifested in tiny ways that feel like they aren’t making a difference. The more light we reflect on others, the better equipped others will be to shine light on others. It may not feel like much when we’re doing it, but if we stay the course, stay engaged, and keep our hearts and souls in a place of love in every interaction, the world around us will change. And the world around those around us will change. And the more who do this, bringing positive change through His Light to the world, the more of us will earn seats in the Kingdom of God where all truth lies, that we might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol III
DECEMBER 26, 1990
My dear child, during this season, oh-so-many of My people come to Me for consolation. It is with great joy that I welcome them into My heart. So many are in need of My Divine Mercy. It is this mercy which I desire all My people to shed on those so much in need.
I call My dear beloved ones to be selfless and to focus on Me in order that they will be able to help their brethren in the love I have given to them. My people continue to be so preoccupied with their own spiritual duties and their own need for consolation, that they miss the door to opportunity to being selfless.
Do not seek consolation for yourself, for I will always console you when you are in need. Instead, give consolation to others by desiring to be compassionate, loving, forgiving and peaceful people. Pray, My dear people! You have no idea the power of prayer, and the need for it in your modern world. Pray for the peace that men cannot give because of their self centeredness, vanity and foolish power games. Pray that you can surrender unto the Will of God tenderly and without struggle.
How I watch My people suffer needlessly because of their desire to control their future. I, the Son of God, Who became the Son of Man, continue to suffer the wounds man inflicted upon Me. These are not the physical wounds, but the wounds bound to My heart; wounds of man’s weakness through selfishness, pride, hatred and poisonous dishonesty. These wounds strap man into solitary confinement, preventing all hopes of freedom for the soul.
Cannot man remove himself from his vain and egotistical ways, and live in gratitude to My Father for his life? Cannot man pray as My Father has taught? Cannot man practice humble, loving, honest and selfless ways of living to bring peaceful resolutions?
I continue to ask and pray for My people that they will surrender unto Me by being simply willing to accept My ways.
But when My people say ‘yes, and I begin to work many changes in their lives, they withdraw because they seek consolation first before acceptance. They are addicted to their way of life which must be centered around them, instead of God. Even My many who love My Father and are committed to following the rules of the Church, follow them centered around their own life and spiritual journey, which must be filled with consolation and fullness of joy.
I am asking for selflessness and complete openness to God at all times, not only when it serves to address your need and grant you consolation and joy. Look beyond yourself and,what My Father is doing for you; or what you think He should be doing for others! Be selfless. Pray for selflessness, and the grace shall be granted to you. But know selflessness is a grace granted on My Father’s terms, not yours! Know you shall be provided for, and your willingness to be open shall be your consolation in surrendering to the goodness of God.
I bless you, My people, and desire complete unity for you.
I speak only words of truth for your salvation. Do not cover your ears, but open your heart and mind to the fullness of the Word. For the Word became Flesh for your sake, to grant freedom in order that you would be able to share in My Divinity and live in the bliss of My Kingdom. Peace to you, My people. Peace through the means of God.