Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“When you receive a thought, your mind processes that thought which may funnel into one of two channels, the channel of good or the channel of evil. If you control your thoughts to reflect My goodness, by allowing My goodness, by allowing Me to assist you, then that thought will proceed to flow through the channel of goodness and follow through in your bodily actions. If you allow your thoughts to carry out in your bodily functions without allowing Me to dwell in you, you block My Spirit of Goodness and it will funnel down the channel of evil.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

There has been lots of “Pride” stuff going on this month, and particularly this weekend. I’ve been praying about that a lot, as pride is in fact a deadly sin, and I have no doubt the level of sin that emanates from these celebrations is going to bite us in the @$ from the perspective of social conscience and consciousness. I’ve been immersed in my own share of grave sin and debauchery in the past, yet have suffered many consequences from that sin in a way that doesn’t necessarily lead me to “sin no more,” but these celebrations do in fact carry aspects within them that mock God intentionally, and there is no aspect of “sin no more” even remotely inherent in these celebrations, where sin is pretty much encouraged and celebrated. This isn’t intended to bash gay people, as they’re (you’re)no different from me aside from how God has wired them(you)in that aspect, but the flamboyance, the “in your face” celebration of promiscuity, (particularly in the “B” and “Q” aspects of the pride movement nomenclature)which is pretty much the cause of every social problem we have if you really dissect it, is carrying us on a path of doom which has become so prevalent in our society that it’s pretty much going to take a severe act of God to ever reconcile us from a social standpoint. That’s why my pages celebrate “Humility Month,” as humility is what Jesus calls us to in all circumstances.
Yet nobody wants to preach about this. What are our preachers and pastors afraid of? I know most of us remember the gay bashing that took place in the not so distant past, as I was a part of that, as were a very large percentage of us, and many of us have had to come to a place of reconciliation about that as well. From our personal and social conscience. I pray that my own trespasses be forgiven in this. I also spent much time later in life advocating for gay people before they rose to where they are now, and I will never be sorry for that. Nobody deserves to be hated, and Jesus certainly doesn’t call us to hate, as many of us have done in His name as we have taken it in vain.
Hatred is never justified either, but Jesus most certainly did not demonstrate to us how to overcome hatred with “pride.” He showed us how to overcome the world from a place of the deepest humility, and if we truly want to “rise” in the eternal sense, we must first and foremost, die unto ourselves, so that our egos die, as does pride, for which there is no valid calling.
We have to be aware of the “collective ego” at large, because when the collective ego “rises from the ashes” it tends to go to that place of “pride,” and tends to cast blame upon another collective as though that entire collective was responsible for that oppression. It’s become ok to bash the “straight white male” which is just another form of bigotry. Being a member of an oppressed faction doesn’t necessarily make one virtuous, and it certainly doesn’t entitle one to a sense of pride.
Social justice must come from a place of humility, for if it doesn’t we’re merely just doing the same thing that was done to us, and we become the sinner, as all of us are sinners.
I pray that we all bring Jesus close in this matter, for only He can guide us through this in a way that serves and glorifies Him, brings justice to all as He sees fit, and allows us to remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
OCTOBER 18, 1989
This lesson shall be on sin: How you commit sin; what to do about sin committed, and how to prevent sin from staining your soul.
Sin is an act committed, either by thought or action, which paralyzes the soul of spiritual drink. It becomes a passion in thought or action, and drains the soul of many graces. You commit sin by allowing your mind or your body to control you through a disgraceful passion of evil.
When you receive a thought, your mind processes that thought which may funnel into one of two channels, the channel of good or the channel of evil. If you control your thoughts to reflect My goodness, by allowing My goodness, by allowing Me to assist you, then that thought will proceed to flow through the channel of goodness and follow through in your bodily actions. If you allow your thoughts to carry out in your bodily functions without allowing Me to dwell in you, you block My Spirit of Goodness and it will funnel down the channel of evil.
Since man is free, he has the choice of good and evil. That is why the two exist! If you dwell on evil, evil will possess you, but if you dwell on Me and My goodness, it is sure to protect you and teach you the way to eternal perfection!
When you sin, allow My Spirit to truthfully guide you to honest reconciliation, and your soul will be nourished. Once absolution of your sin is completed, you become virginal in purity. Prevent sin by trusting in Me. Trust in Me by allowing Me to dwell in you at all moments.
Since man is free, he has the freedom of choice at all moments to select good or evil. Once sin has been committed in vain, and I then dwell in you, My Spirit will cause conflict with the evil until reconciliation has commenced! THAT SIN WILL CONTINUOUSLY STAIN THE SOUL UNTIL YOU ALLOW FORGIVENESS FROM ME AND YOURSELF!
The conflict and separation of inner being will exist until you allow My goodness to prevail. However, once I have entered your soul, the conflict cannot last long because no evil can exist very long when I possess the soul. It is as I have said before, water and oil cannot emulsify. There will always be a separation.
When you receive a thought, think good and I will be invited in you! If you sin, ask My Spirit for a truthful and honest cleansing. In order for this to happen, you must allow and accept the truth with openness, sincerity and honesty.
This is the truth on sin, child. Always stand guard against it through My shield of protection. TRUST IN YOUR JESUS EACH MOMENT OF EACH DAY.
Bless you, and My peace I give you.