Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Look to Me and see all the wonders of creation I have set before you. Do not lose the moment by thinking about issues centering around your very self. Just live and be happy in the simplicity of My love. Reflect on all the good and wondrous marvels I created for your happiness. Time in this world continues on with you or without you.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

What are we “turning on” when we get up and have our morning coffee, or beverage of choice? Are we reflecting on God, His endless gifts, and how we’re going to serve Him on this day? Or are we turning on the tabloid “media” that likes to call itself “news,” and filling our souls with anger and hatred that serves no purpose but to “destroy the opposition? Are we breathing deeply and asking God how we can love? Or are we setting ourselves up to whine, complain, and share our “political opinion” as we either “preach to the choir” ad nauseum, or merely stir up frustration and hatred that serves no purpose but to bolster an ego that we’ve miserably failed to center? Are we going to sit in an echo chamber and reaffirm our biased opinions so we can share them with people who may or may not care just so we can make them as angry as we are? Or are we going to center ourselves on Him so that we can go out and love each other as He has called us to do?
It’s pretty easy to scroll through a Facebook feed and see who’s thinking and doing what. To see who’s “practicing politics,” or fostering love towards other humans. The hard evidence of who we desire to be falls pretty evident in our news feeds as we ask ourselves; “is it love or is it fear that we’re fostering?
Sadly, I watch many of our youth and young adults walking the path of fear created by well meaning people in leadership roles, even in my own church. People who are following political narratives that have little basis in fact, and no basis in truth, yet satisfy the ego of agenda driven souls who are functioning from media fomented fear that is not of God. Political elements who can’t remain relevant on truth, so they have to create fear and uneasiness to keep themselves in a place of “power.”
Jesus speaks much of the “self” in His message below, but “self” is a manifestation of ego, which many of us have come to know means “edging God out.”
What is it we want to share as we go out into this world and interact? God’s love, which is beautiful and eternal? Or our own ego, which we had better pray dies before we do, as our eternity depends upon it.
What is our “addiction” going to be when we prepare ourselves to go forth and interact in society today? God’s Love? Or Satan’s fear? There’s no doubt whatsoever as to whom controls what. I pray that we choose wisely when we reach for that remote…or not. And that we make the choice that allows us to remain all in, and totally His. Love is all that matters. May we be that love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol V
Lesson #13
In private chapel at home
July 31, 1995
My dear little one, I love my people and desire all to have a deep peace rooted in the virtues of charity and love. I desire all My people to know Me and to know how much love I have for them and their happiness. It is My desire to give to My people. All is created in this world and orchestrated with great love for them.
I am abounding in love. My grace is bountiful. I give My words now in this time period for all My people to know that My love is consistent and will always remain the same. Little one, even if all should forget you, I shall never forget you. I shall always love you and care for you. I shall always remember My people, love them and care for them.
Do not be preoccupied with things and issues of yourself, but focus all attention on your Jesus. I am your Savior. Do not lose the moment by dwelling on a topic regarding yourself. Look to Me and see all the wonders of creation I have set before you. Do not lose the moment by thinking about issues centering around your very self.
Just live and be happy in the simplicity of My love. Reflect on all the good and wondrous marvels I created for your happiness. Time in this world continues on with you or without you. Enjoy the time of life in My love. My mercy is endless. Broaden your scope and horizon by focusing on the breadth and depth of My unconditional love, My love for you, My gifts for you, My treasures for you, My mercy for you and My life given in love for you. There is so much that I have given to you and created for you. I want for all souls to be happy. I do not want one soul to be lost. But if you focus on yourself and issues centering around you, you will miss the moment of wondrous gifts set before you and created for you. Broaden your horizons by looking beyond the scope of yourself to that which is Divine. Look to the ocean of My mercy, to the refreshing waters of life, the sounds of encouragement, and to the invitations and challenges to spiritual maturity. All for you, My people, all for you!
I love you and desire you to seek refuge in My Most Sacred Heart, to be safe and happy. Please listen to My words and plea for your happiness. Very few desire to listen to Me and take seriously My words and invitation to love. Your way IS NOT the way to your happiness. My Way IS for you and IS for your happiness. Peace.