Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My people need to grasp on to their faith and know that I dwell in them. They seek the blest in hopes that they will be brought to holiness and to Me. This is wrong! They need to seek Me in themselves and then they will grow in My holiness! It will be I, Who brings them to My Father! They need to accept Me! I will make them holy and blessed!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

Walking with Jesus in us makes us different than we are without Him. I grew up thinking that was just some kind of superficiality people were carrying around with them, but now I know it’s true that once we let Him in, we also let in a spirit of forgiveness in all things, and a spirit of love towards others that transcends all earthly things.
Jesus not only puts up with us, He was willing to, and did die for us in a spirit of forgiveness that we tend to be reluctant to emulate, much less die for ourselves.
I was in a group of people yesterday, many of whom I hadn’t seen in some years, and there were not only people in the crowd whom I needed to forgive for past things, there were also people with whom I needed, and need forgiveness. And it happened. Through Him, I felt much forgiveness occurring in both directions. It was an afternoon of deep love, and I felt much healing taking place in my own soul, as I kept His spirit at the forefront of my being in every interaction. I was able to turn past tension into love through Him, and I went home with a satisfied spirit.
That kind of healing tends to stay with us, and it grows us into more forgiving, and better people. It isn’t something we have to force or fake, it’s just an opening up, and allowing His spirit to flow through, with, and in us, as we interact with others in His Love. I think I learned a lot yesterday, consciously and probably subconsciously as well. Things I can carry with me me in future interactions as more healing takes place around me, and hopefully through me. Spiritual growth can either be painful or it can be very beautiful. The more we open up and allow His Spirit to take over, the more beautiful it will be. I pray that we remain open to His spirit as we carry ourselves through this new week. That we carry Him with us and in us with every interaction, and that we remain all in, and totally His. It’s all about love. It’s all that really matters.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
FEBRUARY 1, 1989
My dear one, your world has so many troubles because of the hatred which exists.
So many of My people rely on medications in order to have control of their lives, in order for them to function. They rely on medications, instead of Me, for control. They cannot function without their medicine, their “source for relief” in which they place their entire trust and confidence.
I, their Lord, am placed last, or not even placed, in their lives. They would rather put their trust in synthetic chemicals as their source of comfort, instead of their Lord.
It is hatred, power, prestige, and the stress of these factors, that have resulted in the corruption of this world. If only My people would allow Me to love them! They do not, My child, they do not!
If My people allowed Me to love them, they would be loving one another, because I would fill them with such peace and love that this would be the only transmission possible unto each other.
This, as I have told you before, is the first step…allowing Me to love you by opening your hearts. My people will not even try! My people will not even gather as a community and pray together. They say there is no need to go to church, because they can accomplish the same “love” for one another without going to church. But they love according to a definition of their own law.
So My people continue to compete with each other to survive. This leads to spitefulness and envy, which leads to jealousy and hatred, which leads to revenge.
All of this leads to depression, anxiety and feelings of hopelessness, which leads My people to rely on synthetic chemicals as a source of comfort and control of their lives!
My people make things so complicated. If they would center on Me, there would not be hatred. There would not be anxiety. There would not be depression. There would not be any of the things of which I have spoken, because I AM LOVE, I AM PURE AND I AM GOOD.
If you centered on Me and allowed Me to love you, you would be filled with love, purity and goodness. You would be filled with life! It is simple!
There is only one step My people need to take, and this is to allow Me to love them by opening their hearts. It is when one opens his or her heart and another does not, that there is conflict!
Destroying hatred by loving is gaining life now… Eternal Life! Attempting to destroy love by hating is sure to destroy your life. People who are resentful and power-filled from destroying the goodness of another, by attacking their inner feel-ings, will only be destroying their own lives.
My child, it is so very important that My people know of this message. They are destroying their lives by destroying the inner core of each other’s hearts through hatred… and reciprocating with hatred instead of love!
if they would begin to love, they would destroy the hatred, because they would be allowing Me to love them!