
Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “When you sin, say, Father, forgive me, for I am weak. You are aware of my weakness, which overwhelms me. Help me to be free from the stain of sin, and keep me faithful to your Divine Word. My disciples submit freely to this type of love...

Expressions of Love

Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “If you are at peace, peace will show through your actions and on your face. If you are filled with My joy, My joy will show through your actions and radiate on your face. Those who walk with Me show My divine presence! I wish for all to...


Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “Only when you are honest with yourself, can you be honest with others.If you cannot be honest with others because you are afraid of them, then you do not trust Me, nor are you allowing Me to dwell in you. ONLY THE TRUTH CAN FREE...


Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “Give to Me your mind and you will have Mine! Ве open to receive My wisdom. My wisdom teaches you that the heart, soul and mind must be one in unity to be one with Me. Do not allow your mind to dictate your thoughts with confusion. Be...

Use Your Faith

Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “Live in your faith in Me, and be at peace. Trust in Me and all shall be tended for. Stop judging what others are doing to you in creating conflicts. Focus on Me and on what I have planned for you. This is for all My people. How they wish...