Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“They will not listen to what you say if your actions do not reflect your words. So behavioral change, one you are cognizant of, will eventually change people’s hearts because the messenger becomes the message.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

If we want to live in The Word, bringing The Kingdom of God to other souls, it’s important that we first extract ourselves from the world. While we can’t all be nuns or monks, it’s important that we take designated time in our lives, every single day, to pray, and to draw Jesus as close as we can, and to divorce ourselves of everything that is not of Him. That often means leaving our “politics” at home where they can do no harm, for contemporary politics has devolved into a satanic dichotomy, and identifying with any aspect of politics, and not with Our Lord, can only put us on a path to destruction.
It’s ok to have an opinion, and even to share that opinion, but if we don’t first “scout our environment,” in full awareness of to whom we speak, or render our opinions, it can be very easy to send our “conversations” into a destructive spiral from which it can be very hard to recover. And we often turn people who were once “friends” into enemies, largely because our egos won’t allow us to temper our thoughts in a constructive way.
Next time we put a “bumper sticker” on a car, or think about “wearing a hat,” or t shirt with something that’s divisive by nature, it might behoove us to be aware that it’s going to “piss someone off,” and “pissing people off” is pretty far from what Jesus calls us to do. We can watch any “political post” on Facebook, and the “vultures” from both sides of our false dichotomy will swarm, and any hope of peace or reconciliation goes completely “south,” as the devil laughs. Yet we keep doing it over and over again as though we’re going to change something or someone, when all we’re really doing is playing right into Satan’s hands.
Until we surrender ourselves completely to Him, we have no choice but to be lost in the world, and the only thing keeping the world from plunging onto complete darkness is the light we bring through our kindness, our service, our love, and our prayers. Only by keeping our behavior in check, and aligned completely and totally with His Word and His Will, can we behave in a way that reflects His love upon all we touch, that we might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear me in these, My days of sorrow, yet joy, I wish for My people to know of the peace that comes from Me. I only ask for My people to be open to change, behavioral change toward their brethren. It is important to unite in the community in love, and that love exemplifies itself through change in your behavior.
If you are an abrupt, stern person, and I touch you with My love inwardly, you will certainly change inside as I merit.
But to all the people who know of your past persona, they will only remember the abrupt, stern attitude and personality! They will not listen to what you say if your actions do not reflect your words. So behavioral change, one you are cognizant of, will eventually change people’s hearts because the messenger becomes the message. I do not use you as an example here, but I use the person in the third form to be that example to which people can relate.
People talk and judge and desire, through selfishness, their acceptance. If you are abrupt to them, whether you feel they are right or wrong, whatever the circumstance, they will perceive you differently as if your behavior is not one of love, mercy, compassion, kindness and acceptance.
I often say to My people, what does it matter who is right or who is wrong because man does not decide, only God is the final judge! So put aside foolish interpretations and being scrupulous of others. This happens when your focus is off of Me, when you are disturbed with desires of material self-worth. Look to Me and you will take one day at a time, one person you encounter at a time and show love. If love cannot be shown or expressed through sincerity and simpleness, how can your love shine to many at one time? Begin first with yourself. Make the effort to change your inner behavior and continually work at being kind and open to every individual (no matter what turmoil you experience!), and eventually your charisma will reflect your true self.
Peace, My dear one. I love you. Ad Deum.