True Freedom

Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “Seek first the Will of God. Blindfold yourself from the way of the world and seek freedom through self-denial, so I may renew you and make you clean. Then you will be able to live in the world, whole, free and in purity of mind and soul....

Moral Decay

Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “The church shares in this uneasiness where moral issues exist, fundamental human cultures splitting, and the depth of the dichotomy stemming from man himself. People feel alienated. This results in “desacralization”, where...


Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “I ask My people to take the disciplinary measures to follow Me by living My Word. This is the fulfillment of the Word because I am the Word and I fulfilled the law of Him Who sent Me. Please, please take note of your indigent ways, and...

A Clean Conscience

Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “Remember, child, that God approves and selects whom He desires to commend. It is not man to commend or seek praises or dispraises of himself. It belongs under the hand of God. Therefore, a clean conscience is one that looks to Me, to...

Look Within

Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “I call all My people today to this same magnetic quietness of solitude, which exists within yourselves interiorly, not exteriorly. I live within. It is where you will find rest in your busy world. and the guidance of the teachings of My...

Self Love

Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “My people learn through patience. Those who put aside their selfishness can only then obtain self love in Me. You must have a self love to truly love, but this self love is one which only focuses on God. This self love denies himself,...