Conversion- A Slow Process

Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “If a sinner laughs in your face and chastises you, simply remain loving and silent. The laughter will turn to tears of joy as he weeps in gratitude for planting My seed. Never argue or return slandering words. Always love and pray that...


Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “I AM THE WORD! If you wish to be My follower, you will pray for inner growth development, and accept My truth by living the Word through your actions.”(From Jesus to Gianna below) It’s been a beautiful week out here in rural West...


Wednesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “My people need to understand these differences. I am not calling My people to simple mindedness, or lack of knowl-edge. I am calling My people to knowledge and to life without complexity. I am not calling My people to ignorance. I am...


Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “It will be arough fidelity that I shall unite My righteous. They will all be gathered under one Kingdom and that Kingdom will be Mine! There will no longer be nations and separate kingdoms. There will only be one, and this one Kingdom...


Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “This remonstration, internal protest, shall be calmed because My good will come to see My light. It is difficult, at first, to walk with your Jesus because I take you through the fog, the mud, to green pastures.My people have...

Know and Accept, Do Not Fear

Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “I want My people to know not to fear! Those who fear or instill fear, live with imperfect love. I have said, and shall say again, that I will save My people.I will not allow one of My chosen to be harmed! All shall have eternal freedom....