Seek Me, Desire Me

Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “So, fear not, those of you who fear you are not remembered or noticed! I came to this world to take you, personally, into My Kingdom! It is I, your Lord, Who loves you! It is I, your Lord, Who asks you to love Me by loving one another....

Allow Jesus’ Love

Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “My people need to grasp on to their faith and know that I dwell in them. They seek the blest in hopes that they will be brought to holiness and to Me. This is wrong! They need to seek Me in themselves and then they will grow in My...

Prayer of the Heart

Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “How much glory you bring to Him, when you recite your prayers with your heart and not your lips. I assure you of the glory which is given to My Father, when you say, “I love You,” and simply sit in the company of His Holy...

The Nearness of God

Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “My people have allowed themselves to think that God lives in a far-away place. They, through their imagination, have distorted My Father’s Kingdom as being one which is not attainable. Do not belittle yourselves! I, your Lord, am...


Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “Love supersedes all…I am Love! If you focus on Me, you will be filled with Love, and your envy will be destroyed.”(From Jesus to Gianna below) As I walk through this life, I find that the happiest people are the ones who are “giving...


Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “I tell you to go upstream when you are all going down-stream! Change the current; allow envy to flow out of your lives, and love to flow into your lives.Seeking power, money and prestige as your god is centering on envy! Seek love and...