Holy Spirit

Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “Send forth your spirit o Lord, and renew the face of the earth.” Psalm 104 “The Holy Spirit is My Divine Spirit, Who literally dwells in your physical, bodily formation as your spirit. He is united to the spirit of the soul and body to...


Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “Be со-redeemers in Me, My people. Receive My dignity by being imitators and procreators of My Father. It is good, and it is the power you have, that no evil can strip from you. Use your gifts of power, will, and goodness and peace!...


Saturday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “If you choose not to be patient, you wish to live in accordance to your agenda, not Mine. This will only frustrate you in your journey.BE AT PEACE, RELAX IN MY SPIRIT. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CONTROL.The grace My people need to accept in...


Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “Humility can only be given after the heart has been opened.I cannot give the gift of humility unless the heart is open and willing to accept, for humility is accepting all that is given graciously and with unconditional love. It is...

Day of My Birth

From Christmas Day, 2023 Merry Christmas Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “The purpose of My birth, to save My beloved ones and free them from sin and grant them salvation, is fulfilled this day, the day of My birth! Each day is a rebirth for all those who desire life in...

My Glory

Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏 “My people think that they must accomplish great things to receive worthiness of My glory. It is in the simple ordinary tasks that you receive My glory. It is not a merit received through worthiness. It is given to you because of My love...