Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My children have received many gifts from Me. Gifts of love, strength and faith. It is time that you give to each other the gifts that I have given you. Share your gifts! They were given to you so that they would be shared with others. Pass on the gift of love, so that those, who are searching, will be brought home to Me.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

When Jesus’ physical flesh and blood body departed from this earth some 2000 years ago, He rose to a level of “charity,” or love that surpassed our human understanding as to what it really means to be “all in.” I think most of us who do give,(monetarily)sit at a desk or table at some point and decide what allocation of our financial resources we’re going to give to the cause that attracts us, and give a monthly amount to whomever, that doesn’t “hurt” us too badly from a fiscal perspective. Some of us attend galas and events that support particular causes, and these things allow us to feel good about ourselves, and what we’ve done, and we may even get an “award,” or our picture in the paper congratulating us for our “contribution to society.”
While I’m sure there are some “rewards” in heaven for this type of charity, Jesus took it to the next level, particularly in the spiritual sense. He gave it all, everything, as The Father gave His son, and as Abraham demonstrated that He was willing to do some centuries earlier. These historic figures demonstrated what it really means to be “all in, and totally His,” at a level that I get to sit here and type about from the comfort of a sofa in an air conditioned room. The greatest thing I’m likely to give up this year is a week of the comfort in which I typically live, to sleep in a crowded bunkhouse with a bunch of teens as we go out and serve Our Lord and others in cultural Appalachia, where I will need to “get myself in shape” so that my 62 year old body can endure the “stresses” of physical endurance that it isn’t used to. Even that is pretty darn cushy, in fact way cushy, compared to the sacrifice that Jesus gave for us, through the deepest possible charity and love, that our souls might be saved.
As these “end times” come into play, we don’t know what level of sacrifice Jesus is going to call us to. We may be merely called to “die unto ourselves,” or the possibility exists that we may be called to go “all in,” and to give our earthly life to Him that others might live. I think as we dive into our prayer routines we truly need to ponder how far we’re willing to go for Him. It’s very scary if we keep our hearts and souls focused on the “worldly,” and our fear of death, death which is inevitable, as opposed to the positive aspects of that which our ultimate sacrifice might do for His Kingdom. “Dying unto ourselves” is a sacrifice that most of us have experienced, and are willing to experience, but dying for Him that all might live is what we may also be called to do, and if we keep our hearts and souls planted in worldly ideals, that will be very difficult for us, and many may not even be able to do it. Yet, if we keep our hearts and souls planted as deeply as we possibly can in Him, He will carry us Home to a love that transcends all earthy things, and we too can experience eternal bliss, because we did pour everything we have entirely into Him, that we will in fact, spend eternity all in, and totally His. Ultimate love through our ultimate sacrifice. I pray that we keep our souls ready. This life is short. Eternity is forever. Love is all that matters. ❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
DECEMBER 3, 1988
My dear child, I wish to be glorified in all My children, for they are glorified in Me. It is the prayer that I prayed to My Father for this world, before My Sorrowful Passion … My wish that all My children would be safe and glorified with Me.
My children have received many gifts from Me. Gifts of love, strength and faith. It is time that you give to each other the gifts that I have given you. Share your gifts! They were given to you so that they would be shared with others. Pass on the gift of love, so that those, who are searching, will be brought home to Me.
This is your lesson on charity, the giving of gifts I have given you, for all My people of this world. Charity is a gift; a gift that combines love, faith, trust, joy and hope for others.
What a great gift of sharing your love, your faith, your joy, your trust and your hope with others, unconditionally, in My Name. You have been given these gifts to use them.
Realize that they have been given to you.
This message is meant for all. Realize the gifts I have given you. Share your gifts, so that you will be given more!