Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“My disciples live on now, and I am with you, living in My Spirit, as I hold you in My Flesh. This prayer of truth holds for all those believers who seek the truth, the truth of the Living God. The power of God which lives in you, because I am consecrated to you in My Spirit, is for all!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

We can pick out books and articles all day about “personal growth,” or “living with God,” but there’s no better level of “education” out there than that which comes from “rock bottom.” Even if one isn’t “recovering” from a “problem we deem tangible” like “drugs, gambling, or alcohol,” there is much we can learn from people who have risen from the darkest of the dark.
It’s why recovering alcoholics, drug users, and other victims of narcissism or physical abuse, or loss of loved ones due to suicide or any of the aforementioned, often make the best counselors, for what they offer to others is rooted in tangible reality as opposed to “theory” and “alleged observation”
There’s a lot more empathy to be had from people who have “lived an experience” than there can ever be from the “omniscient observer,” the person who “reads” their way through life with no basis or background from which to “preach,” for it’s hard for a preacher with little life experience not to appear haughty as they try to “coach” others through something they’ve never experienced themselves.
Not to say there aren’t good preachers out there who haven’t “hit rock bottom,” but those who haven’t often have the good skill sets needed to bring out the best in those who have, and the courage and humility to step back and allow the one who has hit bottom to grow by helping others. They are the “good facilitators” who can step back and allow others to be the “smart person in the room.” The true “smart person in the room” is often the one who talks the least, as they are busy learning themselves while they allow others to be the source from which they learn.
This is why we should never “sell ourselves short,” for the “school of life” is also often the “school of God,” and who better to teach us about life than the author and creator of all that is good, including you and me.
We need to remember that Jesus says to us in Matthew 19:30 that “many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” Many who have truly risen from the ashes will in fact be the strongest and the wisest when it “all goes down,” yet we will also know them by their humility. They won’t be the one doing all the talking, but the one allowing others to rise, that God recognizes and receives all glory through the humble stories that are manifested from those “ashes.”
We all have a story, and God has and always will tend to recruit from the bottom, as that’s where the roots of all that is good must begin, for without good roots, good nourishment is impossible.
If we’re really going to live a life that’s “all in,” we’re going to have to get a little dirty, for those who witness our scars, will know that we are in fact, “totally His,” as we place ourselves at the foot of His Cross, in humility.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I Am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol I
NOVEMBER 8, 1988
You see, My child, even today I pray in thanksgiving to My Father for the wonderful gift of the glory My children bring to Me. I prayed for My disciples then, and I pray for My living disciples now… they who are not of this world, but must live in it. I pray for your protection.
It is I, Who am consecrated to you…you and all My children. I live in you, and you live in Me. My Father has granted this gift of glory to Me for all who desire Me.
My disciples live on now, and I am with you, living in My Spirit, as I hold you in My Flesh. This prayer of truth holds for all those believers who seek the truth, the truth of the Living God. The power of God which lives in you, because I am consecrated to you in My Spirit, is for all!
The world cannot accept this, because My people choose, once again, to accept only what they think they can handle.
What constraints you put on your own selves.
You, who are given the truth and many gifts, choose not to accept. Let it be as you wish… and when you say to Me:
“Lord, why did you not give these wonderful gifts and let the truth be known to me?”.
… I shall say:
“Be gone! You were given abundantly, but chose not to accept. Now I will select, and you can be in line for My selection process!”
I want so much to give My people the fresh, pure fruits of life. If My people continue to select the sour fruits, they will wither. My mother, who continues to plead for you, will soon not be allowed. For only My fresh fruits will blossom.
Save! Save! Save the world, child!
For I, the Lord, speak the truth, and am very serious.
Have mercy on those to whom you wish Me to give mercy.
I shall listen to you, for you listen to Me. Go in peace. My protection and My strength are with you.