Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I wish for you to live in My mercy. To live in My mercy you must live with a clear conscience. These words on a clear conscience and unquestionable trust in Me are not to make you feel uncomfortable but to teach you the tools to receive guaranteed salvation! They are to awaken you. You do not realize how powerful the gift of love in itself is for salvation.
Couple the gift of love with the gift of My mercy and you shall radiate in My holiness! This is all possible, My people, and it is yours… for I am yours!!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

We’ve come to a place in society where we mostly get “judged” by where we choose to “position” ourselves in the false dichotomies that are placed before us. We have two devil possessed political parties running amok out there, creating nothing but division, and one only has to briefly scroll through their Facebook feed to see which “side” most folks are standing on. And “pick” a side we do, and we dig our heals into the narrative that’s placed before us, and judge everyone who picks the “wrong” side. Rather than seek truth in God, we seek it in the other bodies of lies placed before us, and lie in the false belief that our “choice” is more virtuous than the other. And hatred for our neighbors persists, as Satan laughs.
Jesus calls us to truth. Period. If we’re immersed in anything other than Him, then we probably deserve to be “judged” as we’re merely participating in organized hatred with an agenda that is not of Him.
Jesus calls us to serve and to love, no more and no less, and if we’re immersed in any ideology that is not of Him, then we’re enabling Satan, and our consciences should be examined thoroughly that we might realign ourselves in The Way, The Truth, and The Life, for no aspect of the dichotomy that we live in can place us there. Only by centering and focusing on Him, and placing our hearts and souls in His merciful path, can we cleanse our consciences and remain holy in a way that keeps His Kingdom in the forefront of our daily lives. Only through Jesus can we examine ourselves from a place outside of false human narratives that will keep us walking each other in truth so that all might live in Him.
Only through self examination and confession can we keep ourselves in truth, for any alliance outside of Him can only lead to destruction. May we allow God’s Holy Light to penetrate us and stay with us, that we might only reflect Him, as we walk each other in His Precious Light, and remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JUNE 12, 1989
My dear people, do not be uncertain in accepting the truth of My mercy! Do not be uncertain in using the gifts I give you. Uncertainty will only cause a road block in your journey with Me, and lead to a weak conscience. Uncertainty will lead you to doubt in My truth.
It is good to question, My people, do not be mistaken. it is not good, however, to allow your uncertainty to eat at the inner core of your conscience!
Be certain of My mercy and My love, which shall flow out for all who desire me. If you allow me to love you and allow My mercy to flow on to you, you will have a clear conscience. A clear conscience is required for My mercy to flow out from you!
Do you have a clear conscience?
Are you filled with anger?
Have you sought reconciliation with your fellow brothers and sisters?
Have you allowed Me to love you so that you can have a clean conscience?
Are you ready to receive My mercy?
Are you ready to allow My mercy to flow through you?
These are not words of intimidation, My people, but words of love for your inner growth! I love you so much, My people!
The intensity of My love for you cannot be measured.
I wish for you to live in My mercy. To live in My mercy you must live with a clear conscience.
These words on a clear conscience and unquestionable trust in Me are not to make you feel uncomfortable but to teach you the tools to receive guaranteed salvation! They are to awaken you. You do not realize how powerful the gift of love in itself is for salvation.
Couple the gift of love with the gift of My mercy and you shall radiate in My holiness! This is all possible, My people, and it is yours… for I am yours!!
Look at yourselves, your conscience! Reconcile with your brothers and sisters. Accept my mercy with certainty and receive My peace. You will be ever so happy because I will be in you, and I am happiness. I am your God of love!