Monday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“You must always see the good in My people, not the bad. When someone is angry, look beyond their anger and see me in their beauty. When someone is spiteful, look beyond their spitefulness and see their desperation for love! Have compassion for them because, when you have compassion for My people, you are having compassion for Me, a passion co-existing in the Unity of oneness with My Father.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
It’s easy to have compassion for the downtrodden from where I sit. The innocent, the victim, those who truly need help and prayers.
So how do we deal with the “not so innocent.” From those with whom we disagree vehemently in the political sense, to those who make a living stealing and scamming other people out of money? The murderers, thieves and the liars, all of whom Jesus was able to die for, yet I typically don’t want to even be near?
It’s often that we do have to set boundaries with others to protect ourselves and our loved ones from harm, and while my natural instinct tends to be one of vengeance towards those whom I find irreconcilably “wrong,”(my opinion only)vengeance is never the right answer. Every time I seek wise counsel in matters like this, the answer is always the same. “Pray for them.”
Terry and I have made a conscious effort in recent days to put these kinds of people on our prayer list, that they be healed along with the others on the list who need physical and emotional healing. This includes ourselves, who also need healing so that we come from a place of love and not vengeance, because other humans can bring out the ire in us, often with something as simple as a vocal inflection that might sound like anger or sarcasm. The range of things that can upset us is quite broad, and can come from anyone who has influence over us, from our families, to those who wish to do us harm, which are often the same people.
Pray for them, and ask the angels and saints to pray for us, because even though we all carry different levels of “imperfection” with us in the worldly sense, Jesus died for each one of us equally, and calls us to die unto ourselves as well, so that we can look at each soul as He sees them, and come from a place of love and compassion that will draw them into His Kingdom rather than cast them away.
All are welcome in His Kingdom, and may we pray for each soul that He died for, that we might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy
JANUARY 18, 1989
Compassion is the purity of loving, to the point at which idiosyncrasies have no meaning. It is to love someone beyond their human weaknesses and mistakes. To have compassion, you must see Me, your Lord, beyond any obstacle. To have compassion is to see Me in every person. Compassion is a form of mercy… for to have mercy on My children is to have compassion for them!
Do you understand that compassion envelops love to a point where mercy flows? I healed through My Compassion…pas-sion for My God, co-existing with the unity of My brothers.
All, who belong to My Father, are brothers to Me… brothers, meaning fellowship in the male and female gender!
This is compassion: Having a passion for your brothers, regardless of their insecurities and faults, because I dwell in them. It is a form of love, mercy and respect. It is a pure passion. It is not feeling sorrowful for someone. It is sincerely seeing the purity of My Passion co-existing in unity with their love.
That is why I tell you to see Me beyond your brother’s noticeable faults. I healed because I saw My Father’s Passion beyond My brother’s sinfulness! I had compassion for them because I had passion for My Father, which I saw dwelling in them, co-existing in His Unity!
You must do the same. You must always see the good in My people, not the bad. When someone is angry, look beyond their anger and see me in their beauty. When someone is spiteful, look beyond their spitefulness and see their desperation for love! Have compassion for them because, when you have compassion for My people, you are having compassion for Me, a passion co-existing in the Unity of oneness with My Father.
All My people are sinful and it is only I Who can purge them and offer them to My Father!