Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“I am waiting for My people at all times. My people need the support and love of one another, and the uncaring attitudes are destroying all hope for My love to exist.
Do My people not realize what they are doing to one another and themselves through their complacent attitudes? If My people recognized this truth, why do they not ask Me to change their hearts?
What does it take for My people to believe in Me, by believing in those I have sent, My prophets and disciples?
This is My pain: seeing the beauty of My people being destroyed through their lack of love.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
The only way Jesus can be present in our lives and the lives of others is through our own thoughts, words, actions, and deeds. He calls each one of us as evangelists and disciples to remain “all in,” and to place ourselves at the “foot of the cross” with humility, “planting seeds” and hoping for a harvest of love to follow us as we follow Him. There will be forces working against us, and resisting us every step of the way, and this is why we have to be diligent. To “cast off” the lies we are told that we might bring His Truth, and only His Truth to others through His perfect love for us.
We also have to remember that there is much deception and corruption coming from “voices of authority” that claim to be speaking for Him, yet their agendas fall far outside of His Will as our churches enable our devil possessed media and political parties to infiltrate their being. From many sides and many directions. Our mainstream churches have also made it clear that they believe “they” are the voice of Jesus, when they are clearly falling out of touch with His Word and His Truth, rejecting the voices of the prophets, mystics, truth tellers, and most of all the Scriptures as their own corruption becomes exposed and more prevalent in our journeys.
We have to be diligent in our discernment, and remember that the path we’re walking today is not much different than the one Jesus had to face as corrupt religious authorities even went so far as to have Him killed, much like many “authorities” today work to have true mystics and apparitions discredited so that all might follow them instead of Him.
We are called by Him and Him alone, to follow, listen, and to bring His Love to the table to every being we encounter. We are called to call our “authorities” to a level of humility and truth that is reflective of His Love for us, and not to allow hatred and fear mongering to take place within our church walls, and to place a call to rejection to anything that is not of Him.
Jesus is love, and if something is happening on our churches that is not love, and not of Him, we have a duty to expose it, and to cast it out, even if it means dying for His cause as He died for us.
Are we willing to be martyrs for Him as He was and is for us? Are we ready to truly follow Him and remain “all in,” as He uses us to make “His Kingdom come?” Are we merely willing to just tell the “truth in deep love,” as He walks each one of us, as we walk each other “Home,” via His Way, His Truth, His Love, and His Light, in perfect love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
OCTOBER 1, 1989
My child, My people do not listen to My prophets. If they do not believe what My select prophets say, they will not believe in My truth.
My people ask for signs. When I send signs, they do not believe! When I speak to My children of My desire, they do not believe. They listen to what is spoken in Scripture through the prophets I selected many ages ago, but will not listen or believe in My prophets of this age! It was the same for My prophets of the time before! They were not believed either, as today.
My people are living now, amongst My prophets of My Divine Age of Mercy, and they continue to react as if My chosen have nothing of value to speak! Those who do not believe in My prophets and disciples later say, “Lord, why did you not tell me these were your prophets? I would have believed them.” I shall say to them, “If you did not believe in the ones I sent you, you would not have believed Me, for I lived in them!”
I tell you this, My child, because of the attitudes of nonchalance and uncaring. My people are harming one another. loo many of My people visualize Me as a distant God, and many do not even care if I am in the midst of their presence.
How would you like it, child, if you went to a gathering, and no one recognized your presence or cared if you were amongst them? How would you have Me respond?
I am waiting for My people at all times. My people need the support and love of one another, and the uncaring attitudes are destroying all hope for My love to exist.
Do My people not realize what they are doing to one another and themselves through their complacent attitudes? If My people recognized this truth, why do they not ask Me to change their hearts?
What does it take for My people to believe in Me, by believing in those I have sent, My prophets and disciples?
This is My pain: seeing the beauty of My people being destroyed through their lack of love.