Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“Your desire to walk My path to freedom is your choice. The climb is not so easy, and many must enter through the desert in order to continue further, but I promise you that you will have Me to help you. I give you My finest trained guides to help you also, but you must be careful never to attempt the climb alone without Me. For when bitterness engages, it is most sorrowful and cannot be conquered without love.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

We often forget that it’s our trials that make us the best of who we are, and peace and confidence will find us if we embrace those trials for what they are. Everything on this earth is finite, except for the love we cast upon others through Him, for if we remain in Him, He will carry us through the fire that will temper us for service in His Kingdom, and even the losses we suffer will ultimately result in our gain of eternal life through Him.
Nobody on this planet is exempt from death, loss, or humiliation, but how we handle and react to these things ultimately determines our own fate, for as Jesus says in Matthew 16:25; “For whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life for My sake shall find it.”
When I walk amongst the more “needy” of us, I find many fledgling “ministries,” people who are serving Him, often unwittingly as they provide resources and love for others because it’s how they’re wired. Even those whom we often see as downtrodden use their loss as His gain, and draw others closer to Him for no other reason than that it’s in their nature. They were born to help, as we were all born to help, but the trials they experienced, often through very hard living, tempered them to love in ways the rest of us often have a hard time grasping. These people are often closer to God than the rest of us, and should always be encouraged by those of us who live with greater advantage, for we never know who God has chosen for us to serve. Whether that service be physical or spiritual, God will put us where He needs us if we but remain open to Him. Every single one of us, with no exceptions.
I pray that we go forth with confidence that the love we share through Him will bring His Kingdom to fruition in little ways, through every loving glance, hug, and act of service. Whether it’s holding a door, or washing their feet, may every little act bring us closer to Him, that we might remain all in, and totally His. With confidence.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, when a person who is beloved of Mine does not pay heed to acknowledge your own creative beauty and self giving ways, do not despair. Move forward triumphantly. Remember, all are created good in My image, but all are also stained through the stain of sin in free choice to follow the way of the world.
At times, even My most beloved fall prey to pride, self-centeredness and the desire to control and be ruler. When you are graced to witness this, and fall prey to suffering because of human ways, do not despair. Have hope, and call on Me, your Shepherd. Take firmly the hands of this suffering and sor-row, but do not choose to grasp the hands of pride or hatred to deceive you away. Once you take hold of their hands, it is difficult to unleash from their grasp. At times, the force can be irresistible and pressing; But call out and, in a moment I shall free you. Do not despair, or become discouraged.
My love for you remains with you, and I shall never leave you, even when you think you are most alone. Be My knight in armor; and, with confidence in My love of yourself, continue NOT to be pulled into the funnel of the manipulations of control, but be free. Like a stream of water, with its sounds of laughter, remain joyful in the triumphant journey you are taking. These are simply the seeds of evil and deceit, lurking to try at every chance to prevent the continuation of your journey to Truth and a life of beauty.
I am trying to strengthen you and prepare you for battle amongst the explosions of artillery! Be my knight, but also difficed to know how to master yourself in these times of cifculties, so that nothing will drive you away from Me.
It is free will. At any time on your journey, you are always free to leave and descend the mountain. I do not hold you in confinement or slavery!
Your desire to walk My path to freedom is your choice.
The climb is not so easy, and many must enter through the desert in order to continue further, but I promise you that you will have Me to help you. I give you My finest trained guides to help you also, but you must be careful never to attempt the climb alone without Me. For when bitterness engages, it is most sorrowful and cannot be conquered without love.
I have promised to protect you as long as you continue to desire and long for Me. I shall never shame you, but you must trust in Me. For I know only the safe, everlasting way!
Peace and love, My little one. Ad Deum.