Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“There is no need to justify yourself! Remain silent, prudent, and always discern in prayer when they turn against you. Silence speaks. Unless your silence would lend to an occasion of scandal to the weak, remain quiet and watchful, yet, always loving; but put to rest any fruitless fears.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

There isn’t a day that goes by when my brain doesn’t practice “going ghetto” on someone. Oddly and ironically, it’s typically people from my past with whom it’s unlikely I’ll ever again have contact, or minimal contact, but they are in fact bullies, most of whom have hurt other people in my life, and really had little to do with me. I suppose most of us, unless we live in a bubble, have had these kinds of people pass through our lives, and our innate sense of “justice” can keep internal struggles like that going on for years, or even decades. Narcissistic ex spouses who have manipulated their offspring to bully an “ex,” or people who become so immersed in their own flavor of partisan politics that they can’t see outside of their “box,” and foment hatred through their own naivety. Or those who don’t observe other people’s boundaries and trespass into the consciousness of others in inappropriate ways. People who behave entirely from the ego, and tend to “poke” at the egos of others to try to get a “reaction.” People who foment hatred and fear without regard for truth, but still persist in whatever agenda lies before them.
Detachment from these kinds of people and their ideologies can be a lifelong struggle, yet detach we must, not only in the physical sense, but by remembering where the love truly is, through discernment and prayer. And it’s also important that we keep our sensibilities about us as we console others who are victims of narcissistic bullying, and maintain a level of detachment for our own sense of peace and sanity.
I think the struggle is real for all of us, but God does keep a “safe space” for us, a place that we can only reside in through deep prayer as we ask Him to relieve us from our self torment. To immerse ourselves in so much love for others that the “haters” no longer matter, and to always speak truth in love, so that our example “keeps the lights on,” so that the darkness that comes from the egos of the troubled can no longer affect us. To counter fear and hatred with humility and love, as Jesus has so humbly and perfectly shown us. That we might keep ourselves tempered in that humility, that everyone we touch sees and feels His Light, that they, as well as us, might remain all in, and totally His. We can only serve Him through love. May we let nothing else matter.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, wish for My people to focus continually on Me, not only when times are good, but when they suffer with mishaps. The heart is humble when you do not allow the conscience to give testimony of your innocence!
This will not grieve the humble heart because he trusts in Me more than in himself.
My dear one, you cannot satisfy all people! Focus in on your own journey with Me, and I will make you righteous in Me. I wish for all My people to be at peace, even in the anguish they experience from others. Remember, I am your Jesus of Mercy Who will protect you and give you peace. If there are those who speak evil tongues against you, then commit them in prayer to Me, and wait with patience and humility. SPEAK LESS! LISTEN MORE! Your actions will speak for your words, and I, your Jesus, will protect you and calm all hearts in time. There is no harm that anyone can do by causing injury through words.
They only hurt themselves! Never be afraid of the mortal man, but put your trust in Me. Be patient and humble. Look to Me, your Jesus, and I will deliver you from your confusion.
There is no need to justify yourself! Remain silent, prudent, and always discern in prayer when they turn against you. Silence speaks. Unless your silence would lend to an occasion of scandal to the weak, remain quiet and watchful, yet, always loving; but put to rest any fruitless fears. Think for one moment of what I have said. The truth is My words penetrated right from your thoughts immediately to the core of your heart and imbedded into a safe place, the place of My heart in yours, My heart in all My people.
As My people grow in their journey, they need to be watchful that their spirituality does not deceive them in vanity, or they only become thieves to themselves! I love all My people, My little one, and I do not want to see them use wasteful energy in anguish over controversies man can create.
Peace to you and all. Ad Deum.