Sunday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“If a sinner laughs in your face and chastises you, simply remain loving and silent. The laughter will turn to tears of joy as he weeps in gratitude for planting My seed. Never argue or return slandering words. Always love and pray that the seed is fertilized.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
Much of conversion has to do with getting our ego out of the way. Even we as Christians get wrapped up in ourselves and think we need to tell other Christians how to be Christian, and they often walk away from our faith due to our haughtiness. We stifle the conversion process in others because they may not be “following” as perfectly as we think they should, yet when we do that, then we become the sinner because we’re judging someone instead of allowing God to do that. We’re called to speak Truth as Jesus speaks truth, yet we tend to walk around with a “plank in our own eye,”(Matthew 7:3-5)and send people away from His Kingdom due to our own narcissism. Thinking we know better than others, or worse than that, thinking we know better than God. Protestants condemn Catholics, Catholics condemn Protestants, and members of both factions condemn others within their own body due to our egos, thinking we know better than others when we attempt to carry the Word out into the world.
If Jesus showed us anything in His short time in this earth, it’s how to be humble. To place ourselves at the foot of His Cross as He not only humbled Himself for us, He died for us, giving all of Himself that we might humble ourselves, that we might also rise with Him when the time comes for Him to call us Home.
While we were on our mission trip this past week, a minister called our kids to be “proud” of their work, but that’s something I’m inclined to disagree with, as Jesus never called us to “pride,” but to humility. As St Thérèse framed it, to be “little.” That we might place ourselves at the foot of the cross that we might die unto ourselves that all Glory might go to Him and Him alone. Not that we might pound our own chest over our personal physical accomplishments.
If we’re going to bring God’s Kingdom to a place on earth, then it’s incumbent upon ourselves to remain little and humble, for our softness will draw others to Love in a way that attracts rather than repels. To softly allow the Lamb of God to work through us, with us, and in us, that everyone we touch might remain all in, and totally His.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
DECEMBER 31, 1989
My dear child, I wish to describe today the path of conversion. As you pray for conversion, the seed is sown in the soil. Conversion is a silent process, only one which I see.
Once the seed is sown, the process is slow, slow in order to be nourished and to grow into blossom. As My people convert, they must absorb and accept the seed. Then, silently, they reflect, and slowly grow!
That is why I have said, ‘It is not necessary to verbally debate about conversion or on what is right or wrong according to your standards!’ Once the seed is sown into the heart, the soil becomes rich and silently changes the person by perfecting the soul. If the seed is not sown, then try again and again, until there is no mistake that the soil is too bad to accept the seed. The soil is man’s heart. The seed, My goodness. Once the seed is sown, My goodness spreads through the field and kills the weeds of wickedness.
It is a slow process, for weeds are difficult to eliminate, for they tend to grow back. But goodness is their poisonous venom, inviting them to grow fully, so that the root will be destroyed!
Remember, silence is conversion’s patron! If you think your fellow brethren are not converted, know your thoughts are deceiving. Once the seed is sown, silently and at My pace, will the fruit ripen, but all shall be ripe at harvest time! Man does not know what phase of conversion his fellow brethren are journeying. Only I know! Only the seed knows the stage of growth. However, pray for all, and this shall fertilize the soil.
Know, as sinners convert, the more will loving grace and tender words and loving actions from My people assist in conversion. This type of loving grace makes the sinners weep and encourages them in their journey. Never condemn, for I love all the bad and the good. It is through love the sinner repents and does so silently! That is the beauty of conversion. It is a journey you must take alone to fully embrace the intimacy of My eternal Father.
If a sinner laughs in your face and chastises you, simply remain loving and silent. The laughter will turn to tears of joy as he weeps in gratitude for planting My seed. Never argue or return slandering words. Always love and pray that the seed is fertilized.
That is all for today, My people, I bless them this night as this decade ends and the Age of My Divine Mercy commences! Peace to all for eternity!