Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“If I desire for you to walk a different path than where you are at this present moment, I will make that known to you. Options and opportunities will arise. Your choice in selection should be the one that is centered around a prayerful life, one that is a peaceful decision and a decision completely surrendered into the palms of the hands of God.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

The earliest part of my “faith walk” was one of very little faith. In fact I did a lot of writing that I would consider to be “anti faith,” at that time, yet, God in all of His infinite wisdom used that element, the “doubt and rejection,” to lead me to the “dark night of the soul,” where the only way I could “see the light again” was through, with, and in Him.
That brand of conversion is very painful, and something I wouldn’t necessarily wish on anyone, but if God wants us, He will send “messengers” to nudge us “back on course” should we go too far astray in a way that will be undeniable to us if we’re truly paying attention. Once we “find our way” to that path, His Path, God will only need to nudge us, as opposed to “dragging us kicking and screaming” as He kind of did with me. And we will still fail Him and ourselves every hour of every day, but our awareness once we get back on “the path” will increase as our ego recedes, and we will tend to do better each day at remaining in His Will. He will often lay the path out right in front of us once we’re “dialed in,” and begin walking “in tune” with Him.
To serve, to love, and often to “apologize,” as we often overlook the needs of others thinking our way is better than His.
I’m finding though, that the truth is, the more we serve, the more we learn. The more we engage the better we understand, and the more we pray, the more “in tune” we will stay with His Will, as we walk each other through these very turbulent times. The more we “die unto ourselves,” the more we grow in Him. And “dying to myself” is often a struggle as I remember that “this isn’t about me” in every action and encounter.
As I go out to serve today, I have to constantly keep “this isn’t about me” at the forefront of my consciousness, for the minute I start making things “about me,” God will tend to show me in short order that it isn’t.
Only by letting “me” go, and bringing Him in, to my heart, mind, and soul, can I remain all in, and totally His. And I’ll “grow” whether I want to or not.
Love is all that matters in the end. May we make love our occupation, as we “walk each other Home.”❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol IV
My dear one, when l ask My people to say yes and follow My Will, I am asking for their acceptance to their day to day tasks, as they are faced with them. To follow My Will entails saying “yes” to doing your best, with enthusiasm, that which is put before you on a daily basis. Days you perceive some task as trivial may be important for your SANCTITY! I want My people to know that I lay the foundation before them.
If they pay little attention to the things they encounter every day, they will be avoiding fulfilling My Will! Each person is precious, and it is the small, daily routines which are very much a part of My Will.
Do not wait for a grand gala! My people ask Me continuously “What is the Will of God?’ and say, ‘I will do whatever the Lord asks of Me.’ The Will of God is before them in their day to day activities. If there is something more I desire, then the Holy Spirit will inspire you and motivate you in other liays. First, pay heed to that which needs attending to in your life. It seems many of My people have different opinions as ¿to what the Will of My Father is for them and so, they attempt to seek after greater achievements beyond their simple daily functions in order to “follow” Me. Hence, they become discouraged and fatigued. If I desire you to walk a different path than where you are at this present moment, I will make that known to you. Options and opportunities will arise. Your choice in selection should be the one that is centered around a prayerful life, one that is a peaceful decision and a decision completely surrendered into the palms of the hands of God.
I wanted today, child, to make clear this way of ‘following the Will of God.’ The way is quite a simple way, not always easy, but fulfilling and with long lasting virtues. Do not try to develop your way which you think would be more pleasing to Me! What is pleasing to Me is when you live day to day with the challenges and opportunities to live My Will, presented for you, with acceptance, enthusiasm and peace of heart.
Thank you for your attention, My dear people, and know that I tell you that I am with you always because I am with you at every moment in all that you do daily, in My will, in My heart, in My love! Do not seek after Me in places other than that which is put before you daily. Be at peace and never forget the truth of My love. Ad Deum.