Friday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“I AM THE WORD! If you wish to be My follower, you will pray for inner growth development, and accept My truth by living the Word through your actions.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
It’s been a beautiful week out here in rural West Virginia. It’s my second year to come out here, and my biggest fear has been sleeping in a crowded bunkhouse with noisy kids and tiny showers. Yet, I kind of had an epiphany the night before last that created a shift in consciousness as the boys were making noise while I was praying. I realized how beautiful and precious the sound of service in love through our youth felt, and how absolutely happy I was in that moment to be in the presence of that sound, and fell to sleep very peaceful and happy not in spite of the noise, but embracing and actually loving the noise. Last night was a repeat of that, and between that beautiful sound, and the love that’s been felt this week by, and in the beautiful souls whom we served, and the love of the adults who have also come here to serve, I’ve found a very happy place here. I’ve even been able to embrace the tiny shower stall experience, but it did help that someone installed better shower heads than they had last year. Little things have big impact.😉
Yet, most precious thing was the love that was shared back and forth between these kids and the people they served. Today going to be a tearful day, as we wrap things up and leave Roxane, the beautiful, holy, and prayerful soul whom we served, as she also served us back in many ways. Deep friendships were made, and I felt and heard very similar experiences from the other groups that are up here.
I realized that this trip, is way more precious to me than any motorcycle trip could ever be. I’m looking forward to doing this again, as it’s a glimpse of true heaven through service in love. Especially the fact that these kids, are all in, and totally His, as they were raised to be that way. I hope and pray that the richness in love that these youths have experienced this week will not only trickle out to others, but that they long to come back and do it again, for they truly create a happy place for many. With the deepest love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
JANUARY 10, 1990
My dear child, the deeds of My people reflect their goodness in Me. Words are of little value unless the action speaks the truth of the word. If your behavior is haughty and your words are loving, is that not a contradiction of My truth? If My people believed in My truth, My word, their actions would reflect their belief. That is how you decipher the true prophets from the false ones! Deeds speak the truth. Those who live in Me, live My Word, and their actions affirm the truth of My Word.
Haughtiness and disrespectful behavior to others and to yourself are deeds which confirm falsehood and deceitfulness. The true follower accepts the Word, and allows the Word to develop within them. The Word reflects in His follower’s actions. How many today do you witness of promising words, but little trust, and deeds which fail the Word? There are many who desire, initially, to be My follower, but so few who walk the Word because of their underdeveloped respect for themselves and others and, worse still, their lack of devout willingness to allow Me to develop within them mature behavior. Following My Word is going beyond the initial step of desire by speaking promising words. It is affirming the Word through deeds.
That is the final truth. Are the deeds respectful or disrespectful? Are they pure or unclean? Are they loving or deceitful?
Are they honest or dishonest?
The deed reflects not only the truth of the Word, but reveals the depth of devotion. Are you devoted to My Word at moments of YOUR DESIRE? Do you say you are devoted, but your thoughts and actions speak otherwise by condemning those who appear harmful? Do you love the poorly dressed as the well dressed, or the ignorant as well as those who converse fluently? Do you say you are My follower and live the truth of My Word, but judge and, privately in your inner thoughts, condemn the minority? That is the disgust of your world.
How many live deceiving themselves that they are pure and belong to Me, yet turn around by their deeds and scandalous affairs, living falsely? Let Me tell you something, child. You cannot be called a child of God, and gain the Kingdom, unless your deeds are as pure as My Word! When I say, ‘you; child, I mean all My people, for when I speak to you, I speak to the world. How wretched you are to claim purity as if it were deserving of you when the deed is not pure! When the deeds reflect purity AT ALL TIMES, then you are deserving of purity and the Word.
I AM THE WORD! If you wish to be My follower, you will pray for inner growth development, and accept My truth by living the Word through your actions. I tell you, if you are loving to those with whom you are acquainted and distant to those whom you do not know, or even judge them as an enemy, you cannot be My follower! For those who follow Me are pure love, and their deeds speak the truth of My Word.
That is what I desire to say to My people this day. The choice is yours. Do you truly wish to be My follower? If so, is your ‘yes’ one proclaimed through your lips, or is it lived through your deeds? Your words will never speak the truth. Only your deeds can speak the truth of the Word.