Tuesday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏
“When you sin, say, Father, forgive me, for I am weak. You are aware of my weakness, which overwhelms me. Help me to be free from the stain of sin, and keep me faithful to your Divine Word. My disciples submit freely to this type of love and peacefulness. They walk with Me by the freedom of spirit. They do not deceive themselves by using their handicaps to justify themselves in their feelings of sorrow. If you wish to be My disciple, you will take My words into your heart, and show Me your heart’s desire through your actions.”(From Jesus to Gianna below)
It’s hard to arrive at a place of humility when the world shoves so many manifestations of ego at us every day through our “screens” and newspapers. At the same time, it’s really beautiful to witness those who have come closer to that “place of atonement,” that we might emulate them in our thoughts, words, and actions, and better ourselves through their example. God doesn’t call us to “rescue the damsel” for it is often the damsel who has blazed a path of love before us to follow, that we might walk each other humbly into eternity, hopefully through the gates of His Kingdom as He has proclaimed in The Gospels.
It’s truly beautiful to witness souls who have “filed off their rough edges,” and become soft and “little” like St Therese, that we might bear witness and humble ourselves as they have. That we might allow ourselves to fully engage with others in a way that draws them permanently into His Light, that they might also follow suit and draw others as well.
There are angels like this among us, and rather than seek worldly heroes that bolster our egos, it behooves us so much more greatly in the eternal sense to find those who have in fact been tempered and softened by the “refiner’s fire.” Those who have truly humbled themselves before the foot of the cross and allowed Him to permeate every aspect of their being that every breath, thought, word, and action is dedicated to His Love and His Glory.
These people are among us. The living saints, the helpers, and if we allow them to be our mentors, as opposed to those who come from a place of pride or destruction, we will be freed from that which restrains us and prevents us from being who God has created us to be.
Humility is key in all things, and to witness it in others that we might follow suit is the best way to stay on course as we walk each other through this era of worldly discord. To remember that there are in fact angels among us, and that we might seek and emulate them, as we work to remain all in, and totally His. It’s “the little way,” but it’s the way of great love in all things.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)
Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus of Mercy Vol II
MARCH 12, 1990
My dear one, if My people wish to be My disciples, they must be free in spirit. They must deny the sensual passion of love they have for their spouse, children, brothers and sisters, mother and father. The love they have for their close ones must yield to one love, Mine! They must deny themselves and even ‘hate in a holy manner’ their being, and surrender to My love. My love is a freedom.
Love your families and close ones by loving their spirit, not with the sensuality of love bound by control. Learn to hate this type of heaviness of love. When I say, ‘hate in a holy manner, I do not mean hatred, I mean denying the passions of love, but loving with the freedom of the Spirit. All must deny himself, and those he loves, in order to follow Me and yield to My love. However, love those by My Spirit.
My disciples must be free like a butterfly. The cocoon and webs, which restrict freedom, are the evil one’s tactics of restricting love. Be free by loving My ways and My words, instead of loving the world and people through sensual passion, which controls and paralyzes the spirit. My true followers understand this love and denial. It is their relatives who cause misery of the flesh by wishing to restrict the freedom of their love of the spirit, by controlling and attempting to cause guilt or instill fear!
All must yield to the Father’s love, a love that is not of human standards, but one which is of Divine. Those, who know Me, know of My love and accept with humble resignation. It is the only way to freedom.
Man worries far too much! If he worries, he should worry about the richness of virtue. However, mind you, this worry must not be anxious or painful. Good is the enemy of anxiety, fear and haste. To be free, you must be peaceful, peaceful in victory and peaceful in defeat! You must be peaceful at work and be constant and confident. You must be peaceful, even in your tears, when you have displeased God. You must not be angry with yourself when you fall, for anger is only a symptom of pride and lack of confidence.
When you sin, say, Father, forgive me, for I am weak.
You are aware of my weakness, which overwhelms me. Help me to be free from the stain of sin, and keep me faithful to your Divine Word.
My disciples submit freely to this type of love and peacefulness. They walk with Me by the freedom of spirit. They do not deceive themselves by using their handicaps to justify themselves in their feelings of sorrow. If you wish to be My disciple, you will take My words into your heart, and show Me your heart’s desire through your actions.
This, child, concludes this lesson today. Receive My blessings on this day of your creation into the world, your birth, and rejoice as you celebrate with My angels in holy song.
Peace and Ad Deum.