Thursday Truth in Deep Love🤗❤️🙏

“I tell you to go upstream when you are all going down-stream! Change the current; allow envy to flow out of your lives, and love to flow into your lives.
Seeking power, money and prestige as your god is centering on envy! Seek love and compassion, and gain power by destroying envy!”(From Jesus to Gianna below)

We live in a world of Porsches, “McMansions,” “trophy spouses,” whom we may or may not love, competition over careers, diplomas, money, lust, greed and pride. It’s really easy to emerge from childhood wanting or harboring these things, as I once did, and still do on a lower level, but Jesus truly does have something much better for us.
All of the above is merely temporary bling, things of the ego that will return to the earth, much of it even before we do, but what we give and receive from Jesus is eternal, everlasting, and ultimately guaranteed to bring peace to our hungry souls.
To serve with love should be our ultimate and only goal. To let every soul we touch know about His Peace that “passes all understanding,” as we live a life bringing miracles to people who have never experienced them. To bring Jesus to souls, and to bring souls to Jesus, for there is no reward whatsoever greater than eternal life through Him, which begins this very moment, and carries us into eternity walking with and in, The Way, The Truth, and The Life.
As custodians of His Kingdom, it’s incumbent upon us to “set the example,” and create a “shift in human consciousness” that causes others to long for what we have in Him, that they might become servants or “servant leaders,” as we carry each other through and into His Light, for only then will our souls remain all in, and totally His, as He was for us on Calvary. I pray that we reflect on that love that He gave, and still gives to each and every one of us, as we “walk each other Home.” In perfect love.❤️🙏
(Reflection by Kenny Meek)

Message from Jesus to Gianna Talone Sullivan, I am Your Jesus ofMercy
JANUARY 24, 1989
I would like all My people to know of My great love for them, but even when they hear of this love, they live in envy.
I wish for my people to come to Me.
It is because of My great love for them that I am using this instrument to teach them and make known My love for them in this age!
All of My people are blessed when they come to Me with open hearts. There is no one more blessed than another! Instead of My people opening their hearts to Me, they become envious of one another.
Envy closes My people’s hearts! It is envy which destroys your life. It is Love which gives you life.
I, your Lord, am Life, for I am Love! Focus on Me. Center your life on Me, and envy will be destroyed!
The good and the bad cannot live together! It is like oil in water… it separates. The bad shall be separated from the good.
Those who center on Me shall be purified and shall be separated from those who chose to be without their God. It is the same principle with envy.
Envy is bad, My child. When you focus on Me, envy is destroyed, because nothing bad is able to survive with the purity of good! I am Pure. I will purify My people.
When My people are envious, they do not allow Me to shed My love into their hearts in order to destroy their envy, because their hearts are closed!
On the contrary, if they will allow Me to be at the center of their lives, any irritation, like envy, will only be short-lived. It cannot survive in the goodness of My Divinity and Kingdom.
This is truth! You can be irritated by badness and envy, but it is sure not to survive in My Love!
It is envy, My child, that closed My people’s hearts in My age. It was envy that made them stray from being compassionate, which made them merciless people. It is the same today.
Do not seek envy. your hearts!
Seek My love, which is overflowing abundantly for you.
Seek compassion, My compassion.
Be merciful people.
I tell you to go upstream when you are all going down-stream! Change the current; allow envy to flow out of your lives, and love to flow into your lives.
Seeking power, money and prestige as your god is centering on envy! Seek love and compassion, and gain power by destroying envy!